What is your motivation technique?



  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I just go. I've never worked out and said afterwards "man, I wish I stayed home today and didn't do this." I remind myself of that. Just like brushing your teeth, getting dressed - you may not always be "motivated" to do these things, but you do them - making them part of your routine is the easiest way to get there.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    When I have trouble motivating myself, my 11 year old fixes it for me. He is now old enough to go to the gym and lift weights with me and knows that doing it will make him stronger for basketball and soccer. If I am going to drive him there, then I am for darn sure going to lift with him. Right now, I can still out lift him. I might have another six months of that if I work hard. He has youth and testosterone on his side.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    mystivan wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing guys!! :) I would also love to hear what you say to yourself to push on, on days when it's hard..like the voice in your head..

    I don't say anything to myself. I just go do it. I ignore all that self talk. It's useless. Decide what's important to you and do that. Lot's of things worth accomplishing in life are hard. If you listen to "the voice in your head" about how "hard" it is, you'll never accomplish anything.
  • HermanLily
    HermanLily Posts: 217 Member
    What motivates me is how I look and feel because I do it. A self love kind if thing. I don't go to the gym, I do it all within the confines of my home. I do it for me.
  • amirsleiman480
    amirsleiman480 Posts: 7 Member
    Motivation for me.. seeing body changes.. more muscle less fat...
    Following and keeping my daily step target in check... every month or so i buy a new gym outfit or so.. nothing special just like a shirt or something.. that what works for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    mystivan wrote: »
    Just wondering what methods/techniques/motivation you guys use to get out of bed or house to workout?

    Not much motivation needed on my end...I love to ride...it's a passion. I love AM summer rides...that smell of a new day dawning...crisp breeze on my face...and it's just a spectacular way to kick a day off, not to mention that my alternative is riding in the evening when it's 100* out...no gracias.

    I only have to get up 1/2 hour earlier than I otherwise would, so it's not really a big deal...I have to get up anyway to get out the door and on my way to work, so an extra 30 minutes or so isn't really a tremendous deal. Up at 5:30...on the bike by 5:45/6:00...home by 6:30/7...in the shower and get dressed and in the car by 7:30 to work...no biggie.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited June 2017
    Also, on those days where I don't feel like doing my usual routine, I mix it up. I generally do an hour on the fitness glider OR a 2-hour walk that I log as 'walking, leisurely pace'. I haven't measured my stride, don't know how fast I walk or whether it's consistent, so I figure if I'm going 3.0 mph instead of 2.5, bonus calorie cushion! Every other day (so 3 or 4x/week) I strength train. Mostly with dumbbells, as well as some body-weight exercises and leg lifts with ankle weight. But sometimes, I feel like I'm just... not in the mood for an hour of uninterrupted lunges and squats and rows and... you get the picture. Well, my strength-training book also includes some cardio-and-dumbell interval workouts. There's a basic one that can be used as a warmup for the more challenging ones once you get the hang of it. I do that, followed by one that incorporates a 9" 'bouncy' ball along with the dumbbells. (To be clear, it's not HIIT; nowhere near intense enough to qualify. I log it as light calisthenics.) Sometimes, just doing that for a change works wonders.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Leave no room for excuses. If you are going to the gym after work, have your workout gear/bag in the car. Some people think your motivation decreases throughout the day so if you have to hit it first thing in the morning to get it done, knock out your workout then. Make it something you can look forward to. Schedule the workout and stick to your schedule, whatever works for you.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    mystivan wrote: »
    Just wondering what methods/techniques/motivation you guys use to get out of bed or house to workout?

    There is no silver bullet, you need to work out what's important to you and establish how you recognise that. I'm always sceptical of people who claim to never need to work on their motivation, unless they're just coasting.

    Sometimes everything works and you're fine, other times you need to remind yourself why you're doing it.

    For me it's about going to races and enjoying those, and taking the opportunity to meet with friends when I'm there. I'm not going to claim that being 30 miles into a long training run in the middle of January is particularly fun, but it's a necessary step to bring able to race more comfortably.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    mystivan wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing guys!! :) I would also love to hear what you say to yourself to push on, on days when it's hard..like the voice in your head..

    The same thing I say "on days when it's hard" to get to work and earn a living... It's gotta be done, go do it!

    Just wondering what technique YOU use to get yourself to work EVERY DAY. Same technique; to work or to workout.

    You either want the results working out will provide enough to put the work in, or you don't. If you want it, you'll do it. If you don't want it enough, you won't. We all get the bodies we want. It just depends on how much you want it.

    This, and, "You never regret doing a workout". You will frequently regret missing one.