Arkansas or Oklahoma anyone?

Hi everyone! I had my first son in June and I'm finally having my 6 week checkup on Monday to get the OK to workout again.

Up until my junior year of college, I was always 145-165 pounds. Not too bad, but not too great. My junior year of college I got to 180, did Insanity and got back down to 160. Then with a new job, new boyfriend, and getting way too relaxed, I got up to 210 pounds.
After my husband and I got married, we decided to start a family. The day we started trying I was 211 pounds. I did not gain any weight until I was about 20 weeks pregnant. Then about week 30, I got pre-eclampsia. My feet, hands, and face swelled bad. At week 35, my blood pressure stayed high. The day before I went into the hospital at my 39 week checkup, I could not walk on my feet they hurt so bad and my blood pressure was 155/105 and the doctor told me to stay home, don't get out of bed until I went to the hospital the next day to be induced. The day I went into delivery, I was 250 pounds. The day I came home, I was 220. Most of it was water weight and baby, I only gained about 9-10 pounds while pregnant.

Now, I'm 6 weeks postpartum (almost 7 weeks) and I weigh 215 because of Shakeology and not eating for 2 lol. I guess I never realized my weight was a problem until I was in labor. I realized that I wouldn't have had so much problems with my blood pressure and probably swelling if I had not been so overweight when I got pregnant. My son made me realize I need to lose weight to be here a long time with him.

My junior year in high school, my mother got up to her highest weight yet of 450 pounds (that we know of). After my grandmother died and she had 3 back surgeries and multiple steroid shots, she just packed on the weight. In return, this caused her to become severely depressed, never wanted to go anywhere, and Little Debbie's became meals all day. She had gastric bypass surgery to lose this weight, and the surgery went wrong. For the next 9 months, anything my mother ate or drank, she threw up, even water. She got down to 96 pounds and was bones and almost died. Finally, one of her doctors realized it was all the medicines she was on from all the doctors making a chemical factory in her stomach. He fixed the gastric bypass surgery again, and she's fine now. I never cared that my mother was a large woman, but it hurt her. She wouldn't leave the house or do anything with us because she knew people stared at her. Kids made fun of her. She couldn't breathe and her back was getting worse. I don't want that for my son.

With my son, I want to be able to play baseball with him and chase him and our dogs around the yard instead of watching from the porch. The only way I will be able to do this is to lose weight now. I want to teach him that it's not ok to live on Coke/Mountain Dew and candy, something we were never taught.

I'm making small goals. I get overwhelmed with large goals, so for this round of t25, I plan to lose 10 pounds per round, so 30 pounds in 14 weeks. This isn't too bad.

Anyone else doing T25?