Next few years goals

I was reading about some long term motivational strategies and of course every strategy starts with a vision what do you want to accomplish, where do you want to be in your life in 2, 3, 5 or x years.
Many of us are here for the long run, so I though it could be interesting to write down were do we see ourselves in few years and how do our fitness goals fit into that picture.
I've never written anything like this, because I am more "go with the flow" type of personality, but as I grow older I think that a bit of intentionality could be useful in life.

What do you think? What are your goals for next few years?


  • august12016
    august12016 Posts: 8 Member
    At 64 years old it gets harder and harder to do the things I used to do - my goal for the next few years is to find what works best for me and to listen to my body - having 4 beautiful grandkids I want to be able to run and play with them :)
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    I think this is a really great mindset and one that will give you a better chance of success for the long term. I know for me that if I dont have any goals any longer then my motivation and desire wane. Most of the time its just lose X amount of weight, then once we do that we have no more goals and we end up gaining the weight back, I definitely have been guilty of this in the past.

    For me over the next 18 months it is to reduce my body fat and then try to put on as much muscle as I can for 4-6 months and then look to cut down my body fat again. From there, we will see. I always like to switch up my training every 6-8 weeks to change things up so I dont get bored. But I commend you for thinking this way, I think it really sets you up for success!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm 62 and have worked out my whole life. Having goals is very important but mine are around hobbies, work and losing and keeping weight off. My goal related to mfp is to lose 12 pounds in the next six months, and maintain that loss in a 4# range.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    edited June 2017
    A one year goal is to stick to MFP for one full year to get to my ideal weight.

    Two or three year goal is to be in maintenance mode for that weight and really refine my fitness. Get some certifications in my field. Pursue teaching or counseling work. Keep my babies healthy and get them off to school.

    I would like to develop longer term goals...

    @daneejela how about you. Great question by the way!
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    edited July 2017
    Thanks for participating :)

    I didn't forgot to answer, actually I am thinking about this last few days. My idea was to describe my "goals" in general with my fitness goals incorporated in it.
    But, it is surprisingly hard for me to write it and to "see" it. I fail even on the simplest questions like - do I want to live in the city or in the country, do I want to continue to work from home or do I want to work in a corporation, do I want to perfect myself in my profession or do I want to change it, do I want kids in the near future..It's all so overwhelming to even think of, and I wanted to write an honest "vision/goals" for my future, that I can come and re-read in a few weeks, months, years..
    Almost nothing I've done till now was very intentional, I've even chosen my career just because I was good at those fields, not so much because I saw it as my no.1 career choice.

    So, I'll write things that I can see as my goals, and hopefully fill the holes afterwards.

    So, my goal life would be life that is filled with good relationships with with my spouse, family and friends. Life filled with laugh, good vibes, great amount of personal freedom, mutual respect, physical attention, love, dedication, simple acts of kindness, encouragement and lots of forgiveness for imperfections. Life filled with hard, but rewarding work and simple, yet beautiful every day joys. Lots of great, healthy, but enjoyable habits. I would live truthful to my self, showing and expressing myself, while keeping respect for others. I would be a great friend to myself.
    My life would also be filled with lots of mental stimulation, interesting people, learning, thinking, debating. Eating would be part of this smooth daily joyful and habitual occurrences, much like French people do it, having main meals in a day, enjoying everything in moderation. Exercise is almost seamless, but constant part of life through the numerous of enjoyable activities like walking, dancing, doing yoga routines, skating, swimming, hiking, running, often done with people I love. There would be space for me and space for others. I would enjoy life in so many ways, and I would be there to help others too. I would live in a modest, but cute and comfortable home. I would dress nice, comfortable but with style.
    Staples of my life would be good, strong relationships and rewarding everyday habits (both when it comes to hard work and simple joy).

    @wellnesschaser I guess this is it, how I see it :) I am aware that it lacks clearance and defined goals, but when it all breaks down, this is what actually matter to me the most, whatever I do, wherever I live, whoever I encounter.. And some of the things are superficial, but gives a bit of spice to life :)
    I would like to learn few languages, to travel here and there, but it's more like a side goal that would be nice to do, this is a foundation.

    Sorry for such a long post :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Long term plans: Work. Die.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    edited July 2017
    @JeromeBarry1 I know you're probably half joking. And truly that's all of us! But HOW do you want your work to be? if work is unchangeable how about hobbies, leisure etc.?

    What would you like to do before you die?

    @daneejela I like your response. I'm still trying to get clearer on my long term ones so maybe I'll think some more and post again.
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Procrastination has resulted with a vision board :D

  • Alisonswim46
    Alisonswim46 Posts: 208 Member
    I did an Ironman in 2013 and would love to do another or more in a couple of years. Right now we are focused on trying to get pregnant. I'm 40 so it's been a little harder than I thought it would be! So training for an Ironman is possible but with everything up in the air those plans could change monthly. I have some tests lined up and we will go from there. We are both very much ok with not being able to conceive. I was just telling my mom that it's ok, we just need to keep finding happiness in what we already have already do! We will take each month as it comes!
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    @Joenali I was conceived when my mum was 42 years old :) She told me that after trying for 10+ years and visiting all sort of specialists, alternative options etc. they finally accepted the fact that they wouldn't be able to have any more kids...and then magic (me :D ) happened and she was pregnant :)
    I guess it was the pressure and stress of such a great desire that made them so difficult to conceive. So, I am trying to say that
    - years don't mean that much
    - I think you have great attitude of being ok with all options and that it greatly increases your chances.

    With such a great mindset I think that baby will come sooner then you expect :)