Curious - what made you overweight in the first place?

I have been thinking a lot recently about how and why I became overweight. I am worried about maintaining my new weight when I reach my goal (it's a problem I've had before) and I hope that working out the factors that contributed to my gain initially will help me.

I am curious - especially those who have at some point been very obese - as to what factors you feel might have contributed to your weight gain? My parents are both obese, and my dad had type 2 diabetes already (mid 50s). I sometimes wonder why they have struggled with their weight so much, and whether that is a factor in my weight gain. Does anyone else feel family was a factor? oR health, mental or physical? or some other factor?


  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    I really, really love food and eating. :drinker: oh and I was never encouraged to participate in sports or anything growing up, so I wasn't that active.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Eating a lot of food and not burning enough calories.
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    I've always love to eat and always dislike exercise.
    As a child, my mom signed me up in every class possible : swimming, gymnastics, tennis, soccer, baseball, etc. I sucked at everything, felt very lame and decided I just wasn't cut for it.

    So ever since I was a kid, I always have been 10-20lbs overweight.

    But I've discovered that I'm very good at dancing, so now I feel like getting at an healthy weight is not out of reach anymore.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Processed calories.
  • shareces
    shareces Posts: 27 Member
    Love food. Growing up I ate what I want, when I wanted, how I grandmother was like my personal chef, lol. I'm very active :bigsmile: , but if I don't keep at working out my whole body regularly, I gain quickly.:grumble:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • airforcewife1007
    airforcewife1007 Posts: 35 Member
    I've always been "big"...smallest I can remember being was 150 around the 7th grade. I was pretty active my freshman year of high school, but towards the end of that year I met my (now) husband, and running took the back burner. It got worse once I started working...the only jobs I had throughout high school were in fast food, so I ate their food almost every day. Add that in with no exercise, and I was probably around 220 or so when I graduated. My habits didn't really change, and my hubby never said anything about it, so I didn't concern myself over it. By the time I got pregnant with our son I had hit 255, and by the time he was born, I was at 277. I lost the weight quickly, but I've gained it back, and then some. I never really looked at how many calories were in the foods I ate. I was shocked when I found MFP and realized I was obese because I never looked at the calories, I just ate whatever. I had mentioned to my doctor in the past that I was interested in losing weight, but all she said was diet and exercise, which duh, I knew already, but I had no clue what I should eat and how much. I've since found a new doctor who has been wonderful. Now I know and I'm slowly making my way back down the scale :)
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member

    drinks lots beer/ booze > eat lots of food > hangover > cure with lots of greasy food and pot > get munchies & eat more food > repeat
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    My ability to eat an entire extra large extra cheese pizza in one sitting whilst playing video games and wondering when ill be able to eat the bag of beef jerky i have waiting for me.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Ha, I reckon most people (me included) love yummy food! But not everyone gets overweight - why? My husband seems to have some internal 'I'm full - STOP' switch which I'm lacking, probably from years of eating a few more calories than I need every day. Hopefully loosing and maintaining my goal will help me find that switch! I just am genuinely curious why some people seem to have a propensity to gain weight, while others stay at a healthy weight.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Eating more than I burned.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    Less exercise than when I was in school plus eating due to depression were the main problems. I have diabetes in my family, along with heart disease and cancer, but none with those problems were overweight when diagnosed.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I've always been overweight. From when I began to walk it was apparent that I had problems with my legs so I couldn't run around with the other kids to get a bit of exercise.

    I also find food comforting and have a very sweet tooth!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I was in denial about how many calories I was actually consuming. "Every now and then" or "once in a while" was far too often, and it's easy to get used to it. I didn't even think I was eating "that badly" and I deserved it, other people eat the same stuff... why can't I? But I wasn't spending 24hours with them... who knows what they didn't eat at home. I blamed everything I could. Bad genes, not being breastfed, too much stress, thyroid problems, hormones... you name it, I used it to keep the blinders on. It's easy to be a victim but it's also wonderful to have control over your body. Very liberating to finally admit that I had absolute control over this.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member

    drinks lots beer/ booze > eat lots of food > hangover > cure with lots of greasy food and pot > get munchies & eat more food > repeat

    Eew, that makes me feel a bit queasy!
  • Mom2Lizzy
    Mom2Lizzy Posts: 23
    Eating too many carbohydrates, not enough fruits and vegetables, and not exercising enough.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My ability to eat an entire extra large extra cheese pizza in one sitting whilst playing video games and wondering when ill be able to eat the bag of beef jerky i have waiting for me.

  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    My mum was overweight and I learned my bad habits from her. 4 or 5 cookies for dessert and some chocolate with it. Hot chocolate before bedtime. Since she was overweight and I was, too, I thought it was just my genes and there was nothing I could do about it. It still doesnot seem fair to me - I was on the swim team and swam 6h a week. Why did I gain weight in the first place?
    I never occurred to me that I could do something about it until I was 25. I had not known that one has control over your weight.

    More things: we are vegetarians, and meat was substituted by carbs. My mum bought cheap fruits and veggies that never tasted well. We never indulged in yummi fruit - and she added sugar to fruit salad, even to strawberries. I thought that was the way to do it, hence I was not heavily overweight but have always been above average.
  • rhea1964
    rhea1964 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't think one specific thing made me over weight. Sure it was un-healthy eating habits and going un-diagnosed with insulin resistance until my 30's. Once I was treated for it I lost 75 pounds.. yay me.... and kept it off until I underwent treatment for breast cancer. During the second round of chemo there were steroids added to my medication and I ate everything that didn't move! Unfortunately it got me back into bad eating habits and here I am again doing what I need to do and get this weight off.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Very liberating to finally admit that I had absolute control over this.

    That is SO true. I have never blamed genes etc - I always new it was down to me eating to much - but I used to feel powerless to say 'no' to bad food choices. I feel totally able to do that now!