Searching for a Fitness & Nutrition Plan

AmandaA077 Posts: 12 Member
I figured this might be a good place to post this since I am looking for success! :)

Does anyone have a recommendation for a fitness & nutrition plan that i can buy? There are so many on Social Media (Kayla, Anna Victoria, Fit Girls Guide, Tone It Up, Katy Hearn, etc. etc. etc.).. It's overwhelming! Information overload!

I work much better when i have everything laid out in front of me rather than searching and "creating" it myself. I have 3 months left until my wedding and i really want to see some progress. I know consistency is key and i need to stay on the wagon but i know i would be more successful if i had a template of what do that i could follow. I know it's eating clean, eating the right thing at the right time, exercise, etc.. but i literally want a program that i can follow for the next 3 months.

Please just share programs you have used that have been successful and why they worked for you. I don't want this thread to turn into people going back and forth about why the method someone else used "isn't right, healthy...". I will look into each program that is shared here and decide which one i want to try.

Thanks SO much! :)


  • ZabReis
    ZabReis Posts: 1 Member
    I really like the 'Build A Better...' series from Zoe Rodriguez (@zoelivelovelift on YT & IG). A year ago I got through 7 weeks (out of 12) of her full series before falling off and was already seeing amazing results. She has a free accountability group on FB and a TON of girls post their amazing progress on there. Check it out if you'd like. I'm getting ready to start her home series again in a few weeks. I have her full gym series as well but haven't had the chance to try that one yet.

    (Zbody Fitness Accountability Group is the name of the FB group I believe- it's a closed group but she'll add you in)
  • AmandaA077
    AmandaA077 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you!! I have actually seen her IG page.. I think i maybe followed it at one point. I will go back and check it out. Thank you for the suggestion! :)
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