7 Day Sugar Detox

1C61920 Posts: 16 Member
Sugar is my downfall. I find when I go sugar free for a week it helps me to get back in making better choices. You may even lose a little weight. This is not a diet but just a fun excercise to encourage each other in staying away from sugar. Fruit is ok but no boxed foods, breads, juice, honey, condiments, etc. Please post your start weight and check in often with how you are doing. On day seven post your weight again and any thoughts on the challenge. This will be fun and encourage us to log in daily and make healthy food choices. Thanks for anyone who wants to go along with me. Starting 6/29-7/5 We can make it through the holiday, remember we can have fruit :)


  • 1C61920
    1C61920 Posts: 16 Member
    6/29 SW 123.7 Egg, small organic apple and 10 almonds for breakfast