

  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    I think of it more as a free day. And I generally try to plan around them by excercising a little heavier in the couple days before and after, and maybe a treat a day less for a few days to make up.
    But on those days I log if I can do it without being obvious and rude (usually these days are social ger togethers), mostly out of curiosity, but don't worry about actual calorie count, or being over ir under.
    One thing I've discovered since MFP is that logging really helps me keep track of what will aggrivate my IBS. So even if I'm not counting calories that day or neal, I can see when I'm getting too close to too much grease or sugar and making myself queasy.
  • SkimpyMrsCarter
    SkimpyMrsCarter Posts: 105 Member
  • BurgerLovinBulker
    BurgerLovinBulker Posts: 38 Member
    Taco Bell! Or a nice, decadent, homemade dessert.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    I spent this past week having full fat ice cream (unusual for me) 5 nights in a row (saving about 500 calories so I could have a BIG bowl with a glass of milk) and getting Taco Bell (also unusual for me)... and much to my surprise, lost 1.8 lbs since my last "lowest" weight over the weekend.

    On top of that we normally drink 0% fat milk and my significant other accidentally bought full fat and I didn't notice until I'd been using it for my cereal, coffee, and snack for days, while logging it as our normal milk. So my calories had to be wayyy off. I think I may have shocked my body or something with a "mostly ice cream & full fat milk" diet. :D Bodies are weird sometimes.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Some people avoid calling it a cheat day of they go over their daily cals or are under on weekly. I look at annual deficit so as long as at the end of the year im under no big deal
  • milsyafrochic
    milsyafrochic Posts: 2 Member
    so I have a really *kitten* realtionship with food - I went away for 8 days and ate nothing but clemetines and the occasional bit of salad, and lost a bunch of weight (unsurprisingly!), and since returning, I had 5 straight days of eating 3500ckal plus to make up for the defecit.

    Anyway, I was feeling very bloated and guilty, so I didn't eat anything for around 36 hours, and then today I had a 'relapse' and had another cheat day which consisted of:

    One mini gingerbread man,
    One falafel,
    one vietnamese veggie ricepaper roll
    One large sugary Jam doughnut,
    One freshly baked naan/flat bread,
    One bowl of roast corn with chipotle yoghurt and cheese, with some nachos
    3/4 darck chocoalte and cherry bar
    several tasters of brownies
    One mini egg and tomato roll
    One cinnamon roll
    Medium McDonalds fries
    one Kitkat chunkie
    one chocolate cookie

    Im gonna be sooo puffy and bloated tomorrow morning :'(
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My thoughts are that living life includes occasional indulgences. I don't worry about eating "clean"...I for the most part eat a pretty healthy diet, but I'm not going to get all fussy if I decide I want to go out for fish 'n the grand scheme of things, what I'm doing most of the time is what matters...not occasional indulgences...not holidays or other special occasions...not random poolside BBQs driven by booze and beer.

    I eat healthy for the most part and I'm active...and I also enjoy just kicking back once in awhile and indulging in something I wouldn't have on a day to day basis.

    By the by, a lot of the people you're getting snarky with here have had tremendous success not only losing weight, but keeping it off long term...
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    I also don't have cheat days. It would wipe out all or most of my deficit anyway. I fit what I want into my calories for the day. I still eat chips and candy if I feel like it, but now I just only have one piece of candy or one serving of chips. I had to change my mindset about food. The only person you're cheating is yourself.

    As long as you're under your calories, in my opinion, it's not a "cheat day."
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    I designate Sundays as my cheat meal day. For me that means I will eat whatever I want for that meal, not worrying about calories. Some days I stay within my goal, others I go above by a couple hundred calories. I don't over indulge. It's usually Some thing with more carbs than I typically eat, but still a small portion. And I always have dessert on Sunday! During the week I try to eat pretty healthy and avoid carbs, but if for whatever reason I'm out and only have access to pizza, I will eat it. If it fits into my goals, then why not!
  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    I'm another one of those people who doesn't like to call it cheating, but you call it whatever works for you. Since I've started tracking my intake, I've had 2 meals I didn't track at all, Thanksgiving dinner and a dinner at a fairly expensive restaurant with small plates and lots of food sharing... Too much work, both of those days! I do occasionally eat meals I know will put me over my cals for the day. I log it, enjoy it, and move on. I've been losing about 1 lbs a week for about 9 months now, and I don't feel deprived and I do feel like I can do this forever. Good luck!
  • dimaslopes
    dimaslopes Posts: 36 Member
    i am on keto but i fixed sunday to eat whatever i want or refeed some carbs and since i am cutting i dont go over my calorie intake. obviously i eat only in nice places, since i wont eat much i can try some gourmet stuff once a week. No alcohol by the way.
    When i reach the calorie limit i stop there even if i got a single meal in the entire day. if i were on bulk of course this wouldn't apply.
  • sdolan91
    sdolan91 Posts: 250 Member
    i eat whatever i desire everyday and stay in calorie goal

    i consder cheat meals is when i guess stuff to plug in and actually dont weigh it and try to over estimate the calories. - and i try to only limit this to about twice a week or so.
  • SkimpyMrsCarter
    SkimpyMrsCarter Posts: 105 Member
    I posted this so long ago and still getting negative feedback off this post, I don't understand why "cheat day" offend so many people but I can carless at this point being that fact that 6 months later I have been very successful with my weight loss journey. Feel better guys. Thanks to all the positive responses I appreciated your feedback.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I posted this so long ago and still getting negative feedback off this post, I don't understand why "cheat day" offend so many people but I can carless at this point being that fact that 6 months later I have been very successful with my weight loss journey. Feel better guys. Thanks to all the positive responses I appreciated your feedback.

    People stating they don't do cheat days is not negative feedback, it's just people saying cheat days don't work for them.

    Glad it works for you.
  • whhuynh90
    whhuynh90 Posts: 33 Member
    french fries and cheese-less pizza. Yes. I said CHEESE-LESS PIZZA! its pretty good, like bread sticks with toppings :) and i dont count my calories, I just indulge and enjoy! :) and im still losing weight! (im vegan so im limited on my junk options)
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    My "cheat days" or whatever you want to call them, consist of me eating like any other day, I always eat what I want as long as it's reasonable and fits in my calories. The difference being that I don't log anything and just try to guesstimate my total. I try to keep it to 1500 calories (mfp has me on 1200, that's with a 1000 deficit), I figure that I'm probably usually within with maintenance calories anyway since I still have a 700 calorie buffer. I usually notice a nice little pick up in my loss after these days and it's a nice break too, so a win-win for me!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what "??!!" means.