In need of help!

marty_tin Posts: 22 Member
Hey, I'm a 20 year old female in desperate need of weight loss help. I've been overweight since as long as I can remember. At 14 I weighed in at 238lbs and that scared me into eating very little and exercising 6+ hours a day. In 4 months I had lost over 45lbs. Then I hit a plateau, messed up my metabolism and started rapidly gaining. In the last year I have gained 50 lbs and am at my highest weight ever 275. I need someone to tell me what to do. I want to lose it gradually and keep it off, but I don't know what to do. If you could send me your meal plan, your exercise routines, videos you like, diets you approve of, I would be forever grateful. Thank you.


  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    Keep in mind that it is all about a calorie deficit. If you move more, eat healthier and less... you will lose. Some do specific methods with Keto diets and such... but what works for one in a specific area, may or may not work for me or you. Know what I mean? I started in January of this year and I am 23 years your senior.... I changed the way I eat. I move more and in the process I have lost almost 80 lbs. You can do this. Set your mind to it, utilize MFP daily. Buy a digital food scale and weigh your food so you know exactly what you are consuming. Many assume a serving is much more than it really is and a digital scale takes all that guess work out of the equation and you are certain about the amount you are consuming. I was 260 when I started and I am now 182.4. You can do this.... it won't always be easy, but it can be done.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Set your goal to lose 2 pounds a week. Log your foods as accurately as possible. If you choose to exercise, eat back a portion of those calories. You don't need any special diet plans or exercises. Eat the foods you enjoy in moderation, focusing primarily on nutrient-dense items but not depriving yourself of a treat every so often. Do the exercises you enjoy and that challenge you to improve, in some combination of cardio and strength/resistance training.
  • beanz744
    beanz744 Posts: 221 Member
    its great that u r ready to face this problem,u might find this helpful

    1. buy a food scale
    2. set up a profile with an easy goal at first (start with .5 or 1lbs a week for the first 2 weeks to ease ur body into it) then try 2lbs/week when u r more comfortable
    3. take up exercising (try only eat back half of what u think u burned at max). try utube for ideas n routines
    4. join an online challenge
    5. ditch any non supportive friends
    6. donate all junk foods
    7. dont tell people that u r trying to lose weight coz most will tell u to EAT MORE (smile n ignore them if they do but do not give in coz u have a goal n they dont)
    8. LOG everything u eat consistently

    good luck!
  • marty_tin
    marty_tin Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you.