Feeling Inspired

I have overcome a lot of hurdles in all aspects of my life to get to this place where I am ready to do right by myself, take control of my health and be the best version of myself I can possibly be. I have been diligently looking on this site, Pinterest, and many other websites to read about how others have made life changes, lost weight and improved their health and well being. I am hoping that I can find support here as I do the same.
I am a fulltime working mother and wife. I also attend college courses online, volunteer and paint as a hobby. It has been so easy to make excuses for why I'm too tired or do not have enough time to exercise and eat right, but I have run out of excuses. I'm determined that by the time I turn 40 I will be the healthiest ever and move forward onto new horizons. Some days I struggle to stay motivated because I see the end game and just want to be there already. However, I know that the real benefits will come just by living right and making good decisions each and every day.
Thank you all for sharing your stories. I hope to be telling my success story in the months to come.


  • Nichole4487
    Nichole4487 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I feel the same way. I am taking control. I support you as you make healthier choices