MFP Nominations



  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    @lstrat115 for least likely to be murdered by a serial killer.
  • _twisted_
    _twisted_ Posts: 598 Member
    I held off on this post because people get missed and then I feel bad but I think this is a good list. Friends have come and go over the years, this is just a recent list of current active members. I hope I didn't miss people but I'm certain I did since I don't even maintain a friends list anymore.

    @slimgirljo15 - For being there always. A fiercely loyal friend. Jo knows.
    @FabulousFantasticFifty - Has had a rough go of things but always positive upbeat and full of life. Greatest legs! :love:
    @CoffeeAndContour - For being one of the very few people that I could really see myself being close friends with in real life. I adore this woman! <3
    @kace_kay - For being cute af and having the cheekiest !@$# eating smirk. Also most amazing eyes!
    @squat_run_repeat - A superlative woman. Has great taste in music and an awesome listener.
    @Lady_Spartan15 - For making me laugh at her silliness. Funny af.
    @mrwineismybf - This is an oddity friend. I've had a ton of interaction over the years on the forums but only recently connected with her. We live almost parallel lives and we get to bounce our experiences off each other! Nice to have someone like that.
    @RunHardBeStrong - For cutest *kitten* feet on MFP.
    @MusicandMountains - For being there to bounce things off of and have great chats. A superb woman.
    @Avocado_AS5 - For an amazing weight loss journey and she makes me giggle with her IG posts.
    @LiftingLisa - For being a great friend and great person to talk to!

    Honorable mentions! :p

    @jtegirl1 - Amazing physique and works hard to maintain it.
    @SwedishSarah - One of the most unique women I have come across on MFP. She's quite interesting!
    @Kepplekakes - The most sophisticated cougar I've ever come across. Like some next level prowling !@$#. There's a small part of me afraid of her, and a big part of me that's quite the opposite of afraid.
    @_Captivated_ - For being an amazing woman who's had to go through some *kitten*, but she also doesn't realize how amazing she really is.
    @toned_thugs_n_harmony - Cutest smile imo.
    @vegmebuff - Most educated and/or cultured. I don't post in the food thread after her because I have to always Google the foods.

    Dudes :o

    I don't have super close friendships with dudes on MFP typically because I tend to not wear a lot of clothing and strangely it seems to attract a certain gender while at the same time creating avoidance from the other gender. Weird right? That said, I pay attention a little and these guys are awesome either for their personalities, contribution to the community or fitness goals and success. I would drink my face off with these blokes any evening even if they probably secretly hate my face and wouldn't drink a beer with me if their life depended on it even if I wore a shirt.


    Sorry if I missed you! If I missed you, then you probably suck.

    Just kidding.

    Seriously, stop sucking less.

    Just kidding! Devils green leaf probably broke my brain and there's a good chance I forgot you. :blush:

    Best post ever. Seriously made my morning.
  • glasstacular
    glasstacular Posts: 56 Member
    Best line ever:
    "Devil's green leaf probably broke my brain..."
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    @slimgirljo15 despite the obvious playful exterior, by far one of the kindest, most caring people I've met online or in real life. There's no hiding her beautiful soul. I'm very happy to have met her and consider her a true person in my life.

    :) Thank you S.. I know that comes from the heart, means a lot...its been my pleasure to know you and so happy life is being kinder to you..

    Now shhhhh you'll blow my cover ;)
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    @Timshel_ for his mad Photoshop skills
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I nominate @JeanieWww for being super compassionate
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I nominate @JeanieWww for being super compassionate

    And I second
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    @Dutchy_77 for weirdest peanut butter sandwiches and for kindness.
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    @lstrat115 for best Olivia Newton John whole fitter and for being thoughtful
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    @MrStabbems for best muffit of tea
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    @MrStabbems for best muffit of tea

  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    @MrStabbems - least likely to recall the details of a conversation :D
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    @MrStabbems - least likely to recall the details of a conversation :D

    Shaddap you did it in 12-14! I remembereded it. Took that 20hr dudes top spot!