Eating disorder of a different kind...

Hi everyone

Not seen any posts about this so far, so i thought i would be brave and speak up.

I am an over eater. I go a few days sticking to my plan and eating healthy, but then something triggers inside of me and i have a massive binge. Bags and bags of crisps and Chocolate bar after chocolate bar. I do this in secret. I love it when im doing it, but once the foods gone I just feel guilty and low, and just promise myself i won't do it again. I never make myself sick. I live the feeling of being full. I cant control myself at times.

I go through the whole 'healthy eating starts monday' every single week. I generally eat healthy but then cheat, Its an endless cycle of feeling optomistic then letting myself down feeling disapointed and angry at myself.

I lost a good amount of weight 2 years ago. 3 and a half stone. But last year after suffering with anxiety and depression, breaking my ankle and my leg and being off work for a while, the weight had piled back on. I also hated my job and my boss and was miserable all of the time.

Im back to my heavist weight of just over 17 stone.

I am in a good place right now and im off the anti depresants and have just started a new job which i love and am enjoying. Theres no excuse for me to continue with these bad habits, but in finding ot very hard to get out of the cycle.

Im going to be made of honour for my best friend in december and would love to lose 3 stone by then.

Has anyone else been through this?

Ive read about it online. Im not sure if i should seek medical advice or just do what i can to get into a normal routine without binging.

Any advice / tips would be mich appreciated



  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited June 2017
    Medical advise for binging should be sought from a professional.
    Good job on not getting sick and for getting off meds.

    We are stronger than we think we are. You seem to be in a better place mentally. So now work on breaking your habits. Its a tough road but worth the work. Get to the root of what binge eating does for you.
    Remember not to tie your self -worth to your food or feelings or your lack of control.
    They are separate things. Best of luck to you.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    There's nothing wrong with seeking medical advice. Do you cut out the crisps and chocolate bars on the days you eat healthy? Perhaps incorporating them into your daily allowance might reduce the need to binge. Or gradually taper off, like some do with soda. Some people can quit it cold turkey, others have to gradually go off.
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    I completely understand what you are talking about. It's called compulsive over eating. I am a compulsive overeater, and I come from a long line of compulsive overeaters. I can do great all day with food, eating healthy eating well. But in the evening everything goes down the dumper.I can get completely obsessed. I hate it when people say stuff like, "make yourself a deal that you won't eat after you brush your teeth." Yeah, right. Or they say, "bag your treats up in a number of smaller bags and only eat one." Ha! If I bag up seven little bags, I am likely to eat seven little bags. And if I have only good food in my house, I can obsess for hours on what I can make out of it that would be totally off my good food regimen.
    You are not alone. There are millions and millions of us out here. I would very much recommend that you look into over eaters anonymous. It is filled with compulsive over eaters, who will totally understand you, and help you get through this. Google them for your area, and you will probably find a number of groups. It also might be helpful if you got the "Overeaters Anonymous" book from your library, or "Overcoming Overeating." They will give you good solid foundational information about this. Look up the groups. You will find your peeps there. Blessings.
  • georgiamaxine1
    georgiamaxine1 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey. I have a treat day once a week, I've lost 3 and a half stone since the middle of March. I effectively lose 2 lbs a week by healthy eating and walking at least 5 miles a day. I found buying a fit bit helped me, and knowing that if I'm good all week then I can eat that chocolate, go to Pizza Hut or McDonald's. Try and do this, I find it works amazing for me. I started at 15 stone 4 now 11 stone 11 with only 1 stone 4 left to lose. X
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    A lot of us know what it's like to rely on food when we're mentally not well.
    I'm glad you're not in the same job and position as you were!
    I would definitely suggest seeing a doctor or therapist about finding out and understanding your triggers, the skills you'll learn will help you for years to come!
    Also, allowing yourself one day a week to eat tasty junk food is a good idea, we're not perfect so give yourself permission once in a while.