Struggling to lose more weight

A few years ago I successfully lost over 6 stone and have since managed to maintain that loss. However I've been trying to lose another stone over the last year and a half, pretty unsuccessfully. I just feel at my wits end as I have done this before, I should be able to lose weight this time!! Has anyone been in this situation before? If so, please help! :D


  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    You got older ! And your metabolism slowed down. You'll have to log meticulously. Get a cheap food scale and weigh everything. Measure dry ingredients. Don't miss a day. I have no idea how many pounds 6 stones are, but I wish you the best of luck! DON'T GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE UP.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Use a Food scale!!
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yeah, this time around my rate of weight loss is slower. Did you update your MFP and plug in your goals? Now that you have just 14 pounds left to lose, the weight will probably come off more slowly. Hang in there!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    A year and a half? Have you been logging all your food and using a food scale during that time? Do that.
  • manhnguyen123
    manhnguyen123 Posts: 40 Member
    You might have hit a plateau and need to change something in order to get out of it. Whether it means adding another day of cardio or increasing your calories for a short amount of time and decreasing it again.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    edited June 2017
    zoeth wrote: »
    A few years ago I successfully lost over 6 stone and have since managed to maintain that loss. However I've been trying to lose another stone over the last year and a half, pretty unsuccessfully. I just feel at my wits end as I have done this before, I should be able to lose weight this time!! Has anyone been in this situation before? If so, please help! :D

    It's usually easier to lose when you have more weight to lose, because you have more wiggle room and more calories to play with. Once you're inside 15 lbs, progress is slow and there is no wiggle room

    Set your goal to half-a-lb per week. Get a food scale and use it to log accurately and consistently. Be careful about what database entries you use. Minimize meals you need to guess at.

    If you haven't lost in over a year, long story short you are eating too much. Accurate logging will make it easier to see where you are wasting calories. Hang in there!