First time food tracker

tda4 Posts: 2 Member
I am apparently a major over eater and have been for years. I have always lifted weights so at 5'11, 210-220lbs is a healthy weight for me. I have had several knee surgeries over the years but in March of 2016 I had the big one...a total Left Knee replacement. Years of running around at over 240lbs, nursing jobs, and sports injuries took their toll. Now that I think about it, i'm sure weight was the major factor in all of my knee injuries and pain. Now the first ACL tear I was at about 208lbs, but after that it was all down hill. I am an emotional eater, so pain and going through a divorce put me over the edge. I gained a bunch of weight after my total knee replacement and I absolutely have not been able to lose. I dont want to live like this, I look GOOD when i'm trim and lifting and working out. I dont know the person and body i've become. Tracking everything that goes in to my body has helped to show me that you can actually be full on 2500 to 1800 calories a day. I realize now that I often eat 3 large meals a day and almost always take in too many calories. This is cliche, but i'm "Sick and tired of being sick and tired."