Insanity max, anyone?

I will be starting the insanity max 30 this weekend and curious about people's experiences/success stories. The sessions seem deadly. I need motivation.


  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    That *kitten* is bananas. :smirk:

    I have max30 and i love it. However, i am still not advanced enough to even do month 2.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    I will say it's a lot more fun than Insanity!
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Love the program and did it twice. They are still my "go to" when I can't make it to the gym
  • TomHayward78
    TomHayward78 Posts: 20 Member
    I use insanity as a substitute if I'm not at the gym
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Yessss! Me:) I'm on my second round! It's brutal but I love it!
  • ICameToGetDown
    ICameToGetDown Posts: 958 Member
    It's a great workout and love that it's 30 min or less. Friday Night is brutal
  • KaleChipz
    KaleChipz Posts: 53 Member
    It's my go to cardio workout. It's brutal but only 30 mins and Shaun T pushes you through. Use the modifier if needed and keep at it
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    That's great. I am on day 4 and feeling really does push you!
  • iveyyoung
    iveyyoung Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting up on Monday July 10. I started it when it first came out and did not make it past the first month. I am going to do the whole thing this time!
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    @iveyyoung keep me posted. I am finishing week 1 tomorrow. I started it on the weekend. Couldn't wait to the Monday to begin. We can cheer each other on...feel free to add me...need all the encouragement I can get!
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    @ICameToGetDown I am a little intimidated for Friday's workout..excited at the same time. Love your user name by the way. That's awesome!
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    @gerla_k did you see a big change in your body definition aftet round 1?
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    @SCoil123 did it change your body definition and was it the right workout to help lose weight?. ..that is, if you needed to.lose any :)
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    @SCoil123 did it change your body definition and was it the right workout to help lose weight?. ..that is, if you needed to.lose any :)

    It jump started my weight loss (I gained 30lb when I stopped doing regular hikes and Insanity classes at my previous job) but more than anything improved my fitness strength and endurance. I could do a lot of other activities like running and lifting that I couldn't before the program. I also started getting definition in my arms for the first time ever. I had lost weight before but always had flabby arms. Max30 was the first work out that ever changed that for me.

    Now I am in love with boxing and it's become a passion. I'm getting a lot more definition. I don't think I would be doing this now though if I hadn't survived Max30 first.
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    @SCoil123 i love boxing. Hoping to get back into it in the Fall..schedule permitting
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    @gerla_k did you see a big change in your body definition aftet round 1?

    Yes, I saw a big change in definition and strength. I have 20 kg to lose to pre pregnancy weight with Insanity I lost 4 kg so far the rest I lost with t 25 that I finished prior. I love the program so much, especially the music:))
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    @gerla_k I will have to listen better at the music tomorrow as I think my screaming and swearing at the tv might be drowning out the sound ;). Amazing results you had! I did T25 to lose my pregnancy weight from my first. It worked really well with my calorie count. Hoping insanity max will help shred off my 2nd time around pregnancy weight of 20 lbs. Can't hurt to try !
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    edited July 2017
    @gerla_k I will have to listen better at the music tomorrow as I think my screaming and swearing at the tv might be drowning out the sound ;). Amazing results you had! I did T25 to lose my pregnancy weight from my first. It worked really well with my calorie count. Hoping insanity max will help shred off my 2nd time around pregnancy weight of 20 lbs. Can't hurt to try !

    Lol:) yeah I swer a lot too during his workouts and during push ups make labor noises haha
    Definitely stick with it. In the beginning I could barely do knee pushups my core was so weak, now I can do them no problem, on my knees again but have lots of strength in my arms and core. Love love Shaun T .

    ETA: I lost 9 kg since mid January all thanks to t25 and insanity. I have 11 kg to go:)))
  • kelarco2017
    kelarco2017 Posts: 32 Member
    gerla_k wrote: »
    @gerla_k I will have to listen better at the music tomorrow as I think my screaming and swearing at the tv might be drowning out the sound ;). Amazing results you had! I did T25 to lose my pregnancy weight from my first. It worked really well with my calorie count. Hoping insanity max will help shred off my 2nd time around pregnancy weight of 20 lbs. Can't hurt to try !

    Lol:) yeah I swer a lot too during his workouts and during push ups make labor noises haha
    Definitely stick with it. In the beginning I could barely do knee pushups my core was so weak, now I can do them no problem, on my knees again but have lots of strength in my arms and core. Love love Shaun T .

    ETA: I lost 9 kg since mid January all thanks to t25 and insanity. I have 11 kg to go:)))

    So happy that you said that about the pushups. I'm actually using my wall to do the push ups or I would still be down in my basement trying to push myself up from the first push up!
    9kg...?!?! That's amazing! !! Great news
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    edited July 2017
    gerla_k wrote: »
    @gerla_k I will have to listen better at the music tomorrow as I think my screaming and swearing at the tv might be drowning out the sound ;). Amazing results you had! I did T25 to lose my pregnancy weight from my first. It worked really well with my calorie count. Hoping insanity max will help shred off my 2nd time around pregnancy weight of 20 lbs. Can't hurt to try !

    Lol:) yeah I swer a lot too during his workouts and during push ups make labor noises haha
    Definitely stick with it. In the beginning I could barely do knee pushups my core was so weak, now I can do them no problem, on my knees again but have lots of strength in my arms and core. Love love Shaun T .

    ETA: I lost 9 kg since mid January all thanks to t25 and insanity. I have 11 kg to go:)))

    So happy that you said that about the pushups. I'm actually using my wall to do the push ups or I would still be down in my basement trying to push myself up from the first push up!
    9kg...?!?! That's amazing! !! Great news

    Good thing I workout on my first floor and then just drop dead on my couch :)) thanks, I'm very happy with my results especially that I don't count calories, I do intuitive eating. I eat when I'm hungry in small portions. I used to count calories so I know approximately what and how much to eat. I think I would have bigger loss with calorie counting...