200+ (Week 38) Sizzlin' Through Summer

Friday is arriving, so we know what that means! Weekly check-in! Let us know how you did over this past week with your goals you've set for yourself.

One final (as it's not quite midnight yet) birthday wish to Victoria! Hope you had a fabulous day!

Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:


  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Hi, Oh the reports go from Friday to Friday? Or is that just your report?
  • Precious_Nissa
    I check in on Mondays....is friday something everyone does or just a set group of people?
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey girls, yes Friday is checkin day for everyone. Although when I was in other groups I'd do my own checkin day and just use that checkin on the day of checkin for the group regardless of the day. So if you check in Monday just use mondays weight and post it on friday, that way you don't have to move your schedule around for different boards. Just an idea, but welcome to the board. :)
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey guys,

    Well I have gone to the gym 3 days in a row...go me! I have been doing an hour of cardio and then yesterday I ventured into the strength training equipment. So needless to say today I was really sore. I just did my arms mostly.

    BUT today I had a free personal training session, and OMG. I only did a 10 mins warmup on the treadmill at incline 4, and a fairly quick speed, then we went on to legs after my heart-rate was up. I felt like we were working for ever but at the end she said really what we did was only about a 15 min workout. I was like WHAT???!! It felt like much longer, I was sooo sore and sweating when I was done. It was great! Although, you know how on the Biggest Loser at the start the contestant are puking and lightheaded and whatnot....yeah....happened to me. I am SO outta shape. I didn't quite puke but I wanted to, I had to go sit down for like 15 mins to get myself back to be able to walk. That is the kinda pushing I need though, I loved it, minus the lightheadedness. Since I got home I can pretty much hardly walk so to speak. Going down the stairs feels like my legs are going to collapse with every step, lol. I am going to be reallllllly SORE tomorrow! And I have another free one tomorrow. Of course they want to sell me personal training and as much as I would love it I don't think its really in the cards right now. But I'm taking what I can get they said even if I don't get it it's free info that will help me while I am there.

    Pinto: Getting up earlier was a little easier day 2, but I am still wiped. I'm sure it will get better though, will just take some adjusting.

    I am really excited to see how my results will look in a month or two. I know this week I more than likely didn't lose much if anything as the 4th and the following monday caused me to gain like 4 lbs and so far im sitting about even from last week. I'm thinking that I may get lucky to get half a pound. But thats okay, live and learn.

    Anyways, I'll check in in the morning. See you guys soon. :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kim- sounds like the gym has been great and the trainer helped you out a lot. Fab! Keep at it and you'll totally see an amazing difference!

    Weigh in: 186.0 (+1.2 from last week).

    UGH. No surprise though. My crappy eating and lack of exercise I think had caught up to me PLUS TOM issues. Even though it's a gain, I think I had a fab week getting back to a more regular workout schedule, and I have faith that this will drop off next week again. I just had that my weight tends to jump up and down and up and down (still with a overall loss, but ARGH).

    Anywho, today's a scheduled rest day before a crosstraining Saturday and 4 miler on Sunday, so plan to relax and NOT eat a bunch of crap. I've been sliding on the weekends, so I need to crack my whip on myself.

    Good luck everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    First off - my weigh-in is 183.25 down 3/4 of a pound from last week!!! This cross training is starting to pay off. I got in another great ride on my new bike this morning. 3 weeks in a row of weight loss:love:

    Kim - stretch, stretch, stretch!!!! Make sure to hold the stretches 30 sec and do each area twice - it will help the pain. Great job getting to the gym.

    Kristina - sorry about the gain. TOM sucks and will here for me next week.

    Welcome to our group ladies. As Kim said this group checks in and posts weight on Fridays. If another day works better for you - go for it. We do try to have our check-ins sometime over the weekend.

    Good luck on your weigh-ins...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I will have to catch up on posts later but just wanted to check in. I'm 222.4 today. Thats down 1.6 from last week! :noway: Not sure how that happened since I'm dealing with the full force of TOM, but ok. Thats fine. I'll take it. :bigsmile:

    wow....I'm so close to hitting 40 pounds lost! I'm excited!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Weight was up this morning as expected since TOM is here and I ate mexican food last night, plus the heat is adding on water weight I am sure. It has been 95 the past several days and I did NOT get to the gym AGAIN. It is one thing for me not to track cals but a whole other issue to not work out. So if I can't do one without the other I guess I'd better get my butt back on the tracking band wagon and hit it hard come Monday at the gym. I want out of the 200's and I am SO close so it is time to push and get it done.

    PLans for this weekend include lots of weeding and cleaning in the house so that should burn some extra needed cals.

    Not much else is going on. Lots of relaxing and coming up with some good new food recipes for next week. I'd like to find a Molcajete recipe to make for lunches next week. That is hands down my favorite mexican food and I know I could eat it all week, so yeah...something to do.

    Congrats to Victoria and Kendal on the weight loss!

    Welcome new ladies!
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Hello all! I am new here, started my exercise and dieting on the 4th and am learning so much from this site! I don't have a scale at home yet, but at last count, I was 221 lbs. That was about a week and a half ago. I must ask, WHO/WHAT is TOM? I am totally confused on that! I hope to get to walmart today and buy a scale, the one at the gym is WAY off, though it lies so nicely! It's is about 60 lbs off! So, I will check in today with 221 and hope someone will tell me about TOM!!!! Lol. Have a great weekend! BTW, I have done great on calorie counter so far, doctor has me on a 1600 cal plus cholesterol diet. I haven't gone over my 1600 yet. I have noticed some people saying they need to eat more to get to their limit? That confuses me, isn't it better to be UNDER your goal of 1600? I just dont understand that either!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome penny - LOL. TOM = Time of the Month Most of us gain a few pounds of water weight during TOM. Welcome to our group:flowerforyou: We are friendly bunch that has been around for 38 weeks now. We enjoy having new people join our group. I started at 237 and am now down to 183.25... It can be done but it takes time and hard work. Thank goodness these ladies didn't kick me out when I dropped below 200 - I'd be lost without them:wink: You should get as close to 1600 cal as possible - esp if prescribed by your doctor. There is some controversy as to whether or not to eat your exercise calories - I am a firm believer in eating as a minimum 1200 + ex calories. For me today that would be 1200 plus the 501 I burned burned bike riding = 1701. I usually come consume 1600 to 2000... I may take a walk tonight and burn even more calories - I need it since we are going out to dinner again. If you are new to this, you are probably not burning more than 400 cal a day in a workout... So not eating them is probably okay. The problems start if you exercise too much and don't eat enough, you body isn't getting enough nutrition (some call it "starvation mode")...

    Congrats Kendal - I'm so proud of you for losing again!!! You're our current # 1 loser:flowerforyou: Keep up the great work.

    Lacey - *Cracks Whip* at you - get it together girl. At least do one or the other - if not both - logging/exercise.

    Off to finish my last 2 clients and begin the WEEKEND!!!! Hope you all have great plans.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I realized I promised some pics of the new place, and had completely forgotten, so, here it is... just a small sampling of my new pad:

    (hopefully the size isn't too big. I shrunk them pretty far)

    welcome to my humble abode. the planters are the really only gardening i've done so far.

    isn't my wee stove adorable?

    where i spend most of my time, no surprise

    not enough room for all my books, but it's a start

    it's basically a love story to ikea. haha. only attached a few pics, but if peeps are interested in more, I can show more. didn't want to picspam the whole group.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Welcome penny - LOL. TOM = Time of the Month Most of us gain a few pounds of water weight during TOM. Welcome to our group:flowerforyou: We are friendly bunch that has been around for 38 weeks now. We enjoy having new people join our group. I started at 237 and am now down to 183.25... It can be done but it takes time and hard work. Thank goodness these ladies didn't kick me out when I dropped below 200 - I'd be lost without them:wink: You should get as close to 1600 cal as possible - esp if prescribed by your doctor. There is some controversy as to whether or not to eat your exercise calories - I am a firm believer in eating as a minimum 1200 + ex calories. For me today that would be 1200 plus the 501 I burned burned bike riding = 1701. I usually come consume 1600 to 2000... I may take a walk tonight and burn even more calories - I need it since we are going out to dinner again. If you are new to this, you are probably not burning more than 400 cal a day in a workout... So not eating them is probably okay. The problems start if you exercise too much and don't eat enough, you body isn't getting enough nutrition (some call it "starvation mode")...

    Congrats Kendal - I'm so proud of you for losing again!!! You're our current # 1 loser:flowerforyou: Keep up the great work.

    Lacey - *Cracks Whip* at you - get it together girl. At least do one or the other - if not both - logging/exercise.

    Off to finish my last 2 clients and begin the WEEKEND!!!! Hope you all have great plans.

    Thanks a bunch! This was really helpful, my hubby told me to try and get as close to my daily calories as possible, but he has been thin forever and never had to fight a weight problem! lol. I kinda figured out the whole TOM thing right after hitting the send button but what the heck, a question left unasked is the only stupid question, right? So, I bought a scale last night, I weighed in on that one at 210.5. I don;t know if it's possible to have lost 10 lbs in a week or if my scale is just different than the doctor's scale, but it really did feel good to see a lower number! So, since I will be using the home scale for my weekly weigh in's, I would like to change my Friday weight from 221 to 210.5. If that is allowed? I just don't want next week to look like I lost 15 lbs, when I know it would be off!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ok girls keep cracking that whip at me. Seriously! I'm ready to hit it hard next week and get going on both tracking and working out again. I'm so so close to getting under 200 that its time to push and get it done. The heat is not an excuse and neither is wanting to be outside when I get home. I pay for the gym so its time to go! I don't know why I cant stay consistent with it. Grrrrrrr....

    Victoria I saw your run this morning. You go girl! Total inspiration.

    Kristina cute place!! I heart Ikea. I'd like to buy this white bedroom set for our room they have. I LOVE love that bright green chair by your tv. Did you get it there too?

    Welcome Penny to the group. Sounds like you've got a really good plan going.

    I'm going to Target this morning and I might see about buying one of those work out videos that are ten minute spurts so I can get up in the morning and get something in. Even if its yoga. I've got to start getting up earlier and getting out the door earlier anyways.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    On the road again. Well the songs going through my head. We are taking the in-laws to a nice Polish place for lunch. It's an hour and a half from our house but over on Lake Michigan. Started my day off great with a 6 mile run - week 2 of 16 done for my 1/2 marathon training. A year ago I would never have believed those words would come out of my mouth. Even 5 months ago when I finished C25K - I was able to run for 30 min but couldn't imagine completeing a 5K. Thank you everyone for believing in me!!!!

    Penny - I'll put 210 down in the group chart. Yes, if you've been eating well and doing some exercise, you could have lost 10 pounds in a week or two. That kinda of loss, slows down quickly. Were you in clothes at the doctors and wearing less at home - clothes can make a several pound differance. And time of day matters. Most people weigh less first thing in the morning right after using the facilities. Drinking a glass of water can add a pound or eating.

    Kristina - love the pics!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- the chair is one of the few things NOT from Ikea. Got it at World Market, which I adore as well

    Victoria- saw the run log this morning. Way to go girl! I've got a few weeks of training before I'm up at the 6 mile long run, so I'm so proud of you! Way to plug away at it!

    Did my work walking group this morning, which I counted as crosstraining for the day. Walked to and from the park (a mile each way), and did 2 loops with the group, totaling about 4.7 miles of walking. Yes! On the menu tomorrow: 4 mile long run. It's been a few weeks since I've done one (before my move), so it'll be good to knock it out. Will need to get up early again probably though and I need to map out where I'm going, as I'm still fuzzy at distances around the new neighborhood still. Then first week of half-marathon training is complete! Next week is the same on the schedule, before upping the distance the week after. I think I'll be ready for it.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Planning on relaxing for most of it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - I'd recommend Leslie Sansone videos. She does "walking" in mile segments and her miles vary 12 to 15 min. It's not really walking but low impact aerobics. I love the workouts. I think I own 5 of DVDs. Let us know what you get.

    Kristina - walking is great cross training - good job. I'll be holding you accountable for that long run tomorrow.

    Debra - hope you son wins again today and that he hits another homer!!! I'm wishing your pool was closer - I'd love to pop in and cool off (*winks*).

    Kendal, Kim, Amber, Penny and goobegone hope you're having a great weekend. Sorry if I missed anyone.
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Hello all. Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I was getting ready for our garage sale. Down 2.8 lbs for my first week on MFP. SUPER excited!!! It was just the boost I need to keep going. Goals for this week are to stay in my calorie range because this week I have a ton of stuff to do. I'd like to be down at least one more lbs. this week as well.

    I have to you all, I love the motivation and how wonderful you all are. It is so inspirating to see the results you have that I have wanted for so long. Keep up the great work everyone.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just finished clipping coupons - MIL brings them for me :) she also brought tons of plants!!! People in her garden club call her to help "thin" their flower beds and she brings me the cast off plants - this year it's 2 types of hosta, a yellow flower similar to day lillies, daisy, corabell, and some she couldn't remember the names of ( we put these in the garden and she will ID by picture when they bloom. We moved things around (some how she gets DH and FIL to fo our digging - I love it)!!!! MIL had them doing other projects in the yard while I tilled a new area. In 10 years or so, our 3 acres may be managable!!!

    My eyes are drooping - I'll catch you in the morning. Nite/-nite
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning all. It's too early to be up on a Sunday. haha. Did my long run this morning. Went pretty well. Getting up was REALLY painful, as even though I went to bed at a decent time, I had a hard time falling asleep, and didn't want to get up when my alarm went off. Of course I'm glad I did, as I'm now down with exercise for the day. Weather was cooler, which was great. Took it pretty slow, which was fine, and felt I could even go longer.

    So I have a total TMI, sort of embarrassing question for you gals. So an issue I'm having with running in the morning is how it affects my erm, digestive system. I'm pretty "regular" in the mornings, but it usually takes a bit of time being up and moving before I use the restroom. Well, I've been getting up and running, and it's moving things along quicker, and about halfway through my past 2 runs, I've REALLY needed to use the restroom. Today, I had to cut the run a bit short and walk the last block and a half because I really thought I was going to have an accident. How embarrassing. My time wasn't great this morning, partially cause I was trying to, well, keep myself together. Ugh. Anyone else have a problem with this? I guess what I need to do it wait in the morning until I finally go before running, but that could take a while, and don't want to be up if I don't need to be. *grumbles*

    *blushes*. Anyways, hope you all plan to have a lovely Sunday. Think I will shower, head out to the grocery store, might hit up a Starbucks, and then tune into the World Cup. Might do some cleaning as well, but it should be a pretty low key day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sorry Kristina - I haven't had that problem. But I normally am up fussing around the house for 30 min or so before I run and go then. But, great job on giving up Sunday morning to run!!! May just garden for ex today - we need to haul dirt and mulch, more never ending weeding and I can always till more.