Vitamins / supplements to aid weight loss



  • SapioEnigmate
    SapioEnigmate Posts: 15 Member
    I take magnesium per my neurologist's instruction. I also take B vitamins per my endocrinologist's instruction. Both of which help me feel well enough to track my calorie intake and be more active.

    Other than that for my specific biology, no. I guess maybe placebo could help? ;)
  • thomasegbert09
    thomasegbert09 Posts: 59 Member
    I increased my fiber intake which helps me feel fuller. I do take Metamucil, whey protein, and a probiotic.
  • cterp
    cterp Posts: 26 Member
    I started using a cheap fitness tracker to track my sleep and found that I was very restless during the night. I used a very low dose melatonin for short term use with my doctor's permission and found that it helped reset my sleep cycle. If I don't sleep well I seem to have a lot more trouble controlling my appetite and have much less motivation to exercise. I think caffeine is mostly bad news and should be severely limited since it messes so much with sleep and stress levels.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    yohimbine and green tea extract both have been studied and have been shown to help

    Yohimbine does work on stubborn bodyfat and has been shown to have benefits for lean people.

    Green Tea is useless.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I take an omega 3 fish oil for health but nothing is going to 'aid' your weight loss supplement wise. A tidy consistent deficit is adequate.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    feel free to supplement your deficit with some cardio if you want to speed it up.
  • EJBarner
    EJBarner Posts: 68 Member
    This isn't related to weight loss, per se, but I experimented with my diet a little bit and realized that I felt fuller and more content eating within my allotted calories when I ate a protein-heavy diet. Combined with increased strength training, I decided that eating a protein-rich diet would benefit me -- but we can't afford much meat, and I found that I was really struggling to meet my protein goals. As a result I've purchased some protein powder on sale, and it's really helped me reach my protein goal on days when my diet just doesn't have enough of it. (Half a scoop of protein powder mixed into greek yoghurt for dessert... mmm!)

    Other than that, I'm a diagnosed anemic so I take iron pills. When I don't take them I tend to feel quite faint and fatigued, which makes me less likely to work out. I've never felt it necessary to take any other kind of supplements or vitamins. :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator

    This looks at all the literature regarding green tea (and many supplements for a matter of fact). Below is their summary on fat burning effects:

    "There appears to be a fat reducing effect associated with green tea, but it is minor and unreliable".

    At best, you might see a slight increase, but that is dependent on many factors, especially bioavailability, dosage and interactions with other vitamins/stimulants.