192lbs to lose!



  • manhnguyen123
    manhnguyen123 Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me and ask me anything
  • meganrrodriguez3
    meganrrodriguez3 Posts: 21 Member
    Muzyka2007 wrote: »
    Ok so this is ALL new to me but I am ready for a change!

    I am at my all time high 341.6 (lost 6 pounds in the last month). Over the last year I have gained 39 pounds...I want to cry right now! I want to get down to at least 200 (220 would be good too). My issue is 14 years ago I was involved in a bad wreck that broke my ankle (I have a plate and 8 screws in my left ankle) and broke my femur (a rod there). Working out is hard...I know if I lost weight the pain would go but after a few days of a simple workout (biking and treadmill in a gym) I am so much pain...I try to push through but the pain get so unbearable I just want to breakdown! I have no one that wants to consistently work out with me to push me (my son has gone with 2 times in the last month. My family tries to encourage me but I hate always going alone.

    I truly feel if I set lower goals like get below 300 then aim to get to 275 etc is better then saying I have 141 pounds to lose...I think that is why I give up so easy too! I know losing the weight is possible...I just sometime wish it would happen faster or something would happen so I can see the work is paying off!

    I've got some pain in my feet and lower back. I swim for my exercise. Low impact and I'm not hurting. If you have access to a pool I definitely recommend that. I'm heavy so like an hour and a half burns almost 1000 calories.
  • Muzyka2007
    Muzyka2007 Posts: 9 Member
    I have heard that before Megan! I need to see if I can find a local pool that I can try that! Maybe alternate between gym and pool! :smile:
  • BanannaFrench
    BanannaFrench Posts: 1 Member
    Just really starting out myself after getting tired of that same sort of cycle. Currently at my highest weight for myself as well at 257. Feel free to add me.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Focus as much on the mental change as the weight .... If you don't start to understand the why the triggers and getting into a new mindset it becomes hard when you inevitably hit a stumbling block

    We've all been there ... bad day at work, someone says something unkind ... whatever it is ... and the consequences (reaching for that one food item that makes you feel better).... but we all know its a hollow 'better' really ... so focus on 'today' ... don't worry about the long-term goals... this isn't a straight smooth line of progress... its a lumpy bumpy twisty road.

    I've spent 6 months on my road so far and i'm still on it ... and yes - its been hard at times... have i cracked? Sure ... but its realising that it is a moment ... nothing more ... nothing less. I don't deny myself - if i want to go out for a meal i will ... and i will thoroughly enjoy it ... and that's that ... will it mean i don't lose that week, maybe ... but the 'cost' was a good time and enjoyment. So its a price worth paying from time to time..

    Alas we all know its more fun putting it on than taking it off (and quicker too!) just don't be in a hurry ... slow and steady

    Just my 2p / 2c :)

    I agree that the mental change is as important as the physical change, but unless you know for sure that situations trigger you to eat then I do not think it is necessary to focus on that. I may be weird but I focused, and still focus, on my goal, which is to lose weight and be the healthiest that I can be. I think you really have to find a good plan that works for you and commit to it. You have to have a laser like focus on what you are doing and why you are doing it.
    I will not argue that it maybe necessary to work through some of your issues, if you have any, but it really comes down to the desire to lose weight and valuing yourself enough to commit and stick to it.

    BTW what is water fasting? I have never heard of that.
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome. You can do this, you will have hard times and times you want to give up but you will reach your goals. A scale I would recommend! Logging as accurately as possible, allow the odd treat. I've worked out how I can fit all that into my weekly goals now.

    Try not to get hung up on the scales they will fluctuate and take measurements!

    I start at 290 in January I am currently at 247 and goal is 140. Feel free to add me