effectiveness of supplements

I'm taking quite a few supplements to stay healthy and help burn more fat while I'm on the Insanity program.
My supplements are as follows:
Post-breakfast: Multivitamin, 1 gram Omega-3 Fish Oil, 1 Mg B12 timed release, 100 Mg Korean Panax Ginseng, 550 Mg Ginger Root, 1 gram Cinnamon plus 100 mcg Chromium.

Pre-workout (30 min before): 1 gram L-Arginine, 1 gram L-Carnitine, 1 gram L-Glutamine

Postworkout: Whey Protein (38 grams)

Post-supper: 550 mg Ginger Root, 1 g Cinnamon plus 100 mcg Chromium, 1 g Flaxseed Oil contains 450 Mg of Omega 3.

my goal is to maximize my fat burning and drop my BF levels from 14.9% to 10-11% through the insanity program. Obviously supplements alone can't do this, I'm on a 2500 calorie diet, with my Insanity suggested daily calorie intake being 3534, meaning I'm currently at a 1000 calorie deficit.
So basically , I'm just curious how effective my doses and supplements will be to me in reaching my goals. Thanks for any replies!


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I personally would drop the pills besides the ones you need to correct any vitamin/mineral issues you have. I'm hesitant to take too many pills because most of the time we don't need them and they can interact with anything else you are taking/eating.

    OTC pills won't increase your fat loss.

    I would keep the multi, flaxseed/omega, B12 if either your levels are low or you do not consume meat and the protein powder.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Keep only the whey if needed to reach protein goal and multi if you run short on vitamins and minerals. The rest will make marginal if any difference at all.