effectiveness of supplements

I'm taking quite a few supplements to stay healthy and help burn more fat while I'm on the Insanity program.
My supplements are as follows:
Post-breakfast: Multivitamin, 1 gram Omega-3 Fish Oil, 1 Mg B12 timed release, 100 Mg Korean Panax Ginseng, 550 Mg Ginger Root, 1 gram Cinnamon plus 100 mcg Chromium.

Pre-workout (30 min before): 1 gram L-Arginine, 1 gram L-Carnitine, 1 gram L-Glutamine

Postworkout: Whey Protein (38 grams)

Post-supper: 550 mg Ginger Root, 1 g Cinnamon plus 100 mcg Chromium, 1 g Flaxseed Oil contains 450 Mg of Omega 3.

my goal is to maximize my fat burning and drop my BF levels from 14.9% to 10-11% through the insanity program. Obviously supplements alone can't do this, I'm on a 2500 calorie diet, with my Insanity suggested daily calorie intake being 3534, meaning I'm currently at a 1000 calorie deficit.
So basically , I'm just curious how effective my doses and supplements will be to me in reaching my goals. Thanks for any replies!


  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    I posted a link to an article about supplements the other day. Should be able to search for it.