Overweight/bordering obese teen here, looking to get my life on track starting here!

I'm 18, from Edmonton AB, Canada, and have been overweight most of my life; sometimes only by a few pounds and sometimes bordering obesity. I've noticed an alarmingly upward trend in my weight since the past few years which coincides with my diagnosis of clinical depression and generalized anxiety. I often look the way that I feel, and I'd like to change that. I'd like to feel more confident in my own body. It starts here.

I would love to meet some of you lovely people, whatever your goals may be. :)


  • Nmarine1996
    Nmarine1996 Posts: 166 Member
    Hey! I am 20 (Not too much older than you) and I totally commend you for taking control of your life now. I've always been obese and sent to the nutritionist after weighing myself in front of my doctor. Losing weight really helped me with my confidence and depression. 55 pounds ago I would of never had the courage to put a profile pic up on here! I wish you all the best on your journey, it will be hard but worth it all trust me. Add me if you'd like :)
  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hey!! Adding both of you! I just turned 21 June 4th, but if it counts for anything I still feel like I just graduated highschool! I have tonnnsss of weight to lose, so I would love to be with you guys during all of your struggles, victories and what not! <3<3
    --And if anyone see's this post and wants to add me, go for it! :smiley: --
  • horses4ever1414
    horses4ever1414 Posts: 71 Member
    So happy. You are making a difference not only in you but other people. Keep up the good work :)