
hi my name is Jeri and I am the owner of thelazycandlecompany @Etsy.com
I used to be out going and could wear anything and look good in it .
But here lately I have gotten up to 301.0 pounds and found out I have diabetes.
So I have started my diet and I hope one day to get off all these meds I have to take now .
I am so happy to have found mfp. I don't know if I could have done this with out mfp.
But here is the most craziest thing to top everything I am also going through menopause at the same time
as if this couldn't have happened and a bad time to me..
So on top of everything els I have to deal with menopause great. I'm not sure if I gain the weight due to menopause or if I just ate myself there ether way I have to get the weight off.
I'm looking forward to losing my weight. Thanks and any helpful hints on how to deal with the hot flashes will be very helpful to me.
