Craving Crisis

I'm a major "picker"... I snack all day. I work 50+ hours a week as a house manager/nanny, so I'm surrounded by kids, always on my feet, and cook for the family (semi-kosher, no salt, organic, no processed sugar at work etc... all healthy stuff!) While I'm cooking I usually take a bite of quinoa, eat a few green beans, and so on. I eat the same breakfast every morning, drink the same cup of coffee, and try to take in at least a P3 protein pack, special K protein shake, greek yogurt once a day, as my trainer was saying I should be consuming more protein to assist in my weight loss. I track my snacking/picking calories all day too. But my biggest downfall is coming home after a 12 hour day and being hungry and tired at the same time. I typically eat cereal for dinner, which is horrible because its not filling at all per serving, I'm eating 1-3 servings anyway, and I'm still hungry (go figure). When I do have weekends to meal plan (which isn't often) I find those days of organized meals and balanced diets leave me craving sugar and fast-filling carbs. I never feel full, I never feel satisfied. This is my greatest struggle. I have health factors contributing to my perpetual inability to lose weight... But what I'm looking for are suggestions to finding balance and fight my cravings with FILLING foods that taste good and don't run up my already maxed out grocery budget. Or some insight into what intake/vitamin deficits may cause sugar/carb cravings...

I just need help.


  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Your grocery budget....where I shop, Special K shakes and P3 are ridiculously expensive. Would you be able to make your own shakes with protein powder and a liquid of your choice? Maybe buy sandwich meat, cheese, and nuts and package them yourself? Lean Cuisine are often on sale and have fairly decent macro to calorie ratio. A rotisserie chicken and some roasted veggies could last you a few days. Portion them out so you can heat and eat when you get home.
  • libellemnm
    libellemnm Posts: 44 Member
    Your grocery budget....where I shop, Special K shakes and P3 are ridiculously expensive. Would you be able to make your own shakes with protein powder and a liquid of your choice? Maybe buy sandwich meat, cheese, and nuts and package them yourself? Lean Cuisine are often on sale and have fairly decent macro to calorie ratio. A rotisserie chicken and some roasted veggies could last you a few days. Portion them out so you can heat and eat when you get home.

    My budget struggle has more to do with wasting food than not having money. I buy vegetables and precook them, then don't eat them. Or even worse by the time I get to my half day each week, they have gone bad. When I buy foods to attempt to precook and portion, most of it has gone bad by the time I get to eat it. I have tried several protein powders but can't stomach them, and my partner is a vegetarian, so any meat I buy I have to be able to eat in a couple days. I don't eat frozen meals. I do appreciate your suggestions, though. Specia K and a P3 pack type snacks are often the most filling part of my day, and I need more suggestions for trying to curb cravings/ other snack options I haven't considered to feel satiated.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I would try playing around with your macros and see if that helps. More protein if you aren't getting enough now would probably be a good start.

    A lot of people have trouble moderating cereal. If it's a problem, if I were you, I'd flat out stop buying it. There are other things you could make/cook in 30 minutes or so.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You can't freeze the meals you prep so they dont ho bad?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you break it down, what looks like many big problems, can turn out to be just one or two smaller problems.

    You need to get in a good meal structure and better eating habits, and you need to tolerate cravings and not feeling full&satisfied. A good meal structure and better eating habits will over time improve your nutritional status, so that you experience less cravings and feel more full&satisfied, and at the same time improve your ability to tolerate cravings and not feeling full&satisfied.

    While your trainer has a good point in increasing your protein intake, you're doing it wrong. You need protein filled foods and meals, not protein packs and shakes. Real food has the advantages over supplements by being cheaper, provide additional nutrients, and taste better.

    Meal plan. Start with scheduling time to meal plan. Continue with thinking about what meals you want to eat, and when you can eat them. Think about how you'll cook and eat, and how to eat up everything before it spoils. This means you have to figure out how long various foods will stay fresh and how often you should buy groceries. Schedule grocery shopping along those lines, and make sure you have everything ready (anything needs to be thawed/soaked?) to make a decent dinner when you come home from work. Many people like slow cookers that can be started in the morning and has a meal ready when you come home.
  • KristyDonovan
    KristyDonovan Posts: 67 Member
    I'm going through something very similar. I take meds that make me hungry all the time for sweets and carbs ( I am switching meds ASAP!). I eat more protein and fat but as soon as I get home from work I can't get food in my mouth fast enough. I'm satiating my sweets craving with Halo Top and I can usually fit that into my macros. I am really into meal prep so I have no problem with that. It's all the extras that are dragging me down. I'm struggling and haven't lost any weight in a few weeks. I try to bulk up on veggies but I think I need more fats! I'll keep an eye on this thread because it will hopefully be helpful! Good luck!