Fitness planner/journal

Does anyone else keep a planner like journal for fitness?
I love planners and paper crafting, I have a regular planner and a fitness one.


  • Bebstl
    Bebstl Posts: 1 Member
    No but cool idea
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    I used to use mfp to plan out my meals, rather than journal...

    Works better that way...

    But I'm not obsessed with macros and cico like I once was
  • Fitness_and_FODMAP
    Fitness_and_FODMAP Posts: 72 Member
    I use the MFP food & exercise diary feature; I plan my weekday meals on Sunday nights, so I know every night after dinner I need to get X,Y or Z out of the freezer for tomorrow's dinner, and as I'm out the house for 11 hours a day it makes it so much easier, but at weekends it's a little more adhoc and we very often eat out of Saturday, or Sunday.

    I do a similar thing with my exercise - just before bed (as I'm taking my daily supplements) I plan my exercise for the following day; to me it's then set in stone and I know I will see it through, because people might have read my diary and if I decide not to exercise I feel like I'm letting myself down and that would be embarrassing :D

    With the exception of weekend meals and Sunday exercise, I pre-plan almost all of my weight and fitness aspect of my life, I've done this since November 2012 and my profile picture is proof that this approach can work for some, so I have just stuck to it and it's the norm for me and my hubby accepts this to the point where he always asks what my food/or exercise plans are before planning anything, as he's my spotter on Fridays when I do my barbell routine, as he won't allow me to do that without a spotter, because they're heavy weights and he doesn't want to come home to find me laid out on my bench with 30kg resting on my windpipe.

    I know people might think my planning is a bit OTT but it works for me and my hubby, so I'm unlikely to change it any time soon - but you have to find what works for you and your nearest and dearest.
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    I was using BodyMinder and DietMinder until I discovered MFP.
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    I use MFP to do my food log, and my bullet journal for weekly and long-term goals.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I have kept written journals for the past 5+ years. I keep track of my meals and the timing, daily exercise, water/tea intake, measurements, weight and any notes for the day.

    Also I pre-plan my meals (helps me fit things in and to space out my macros) and my workout(s) the night before so I know what I'm eating and working on in advance.

    This all may sound over the top, but having this structure has helped a great deal with losing a lot of weight and keeping it off for over 4 years as it helps me to stay on track. It's not time consuming either. It just takes about 10 minutes a day to maintain.

    In the process I have learned a lot about my body such as water weight fluctuations, my eating habits and it keep me accountable of my daily intake, the activities I should add/increase/decrease etc.

    Keeping a daily journal is a great motivational tool for me. Plus I prefer to write things down. Seeing things written down makes me more conscious and aware.