Confused and Discouraged.....

So I joined MFP the first week of July (3 weeks ago). I logged everything I ate.... except coffee... which I drink with Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. I figured that I would make sure I always had a bunch of calories left over to account for the calories in the creamer. I did the July 100 Mile Challenge and was done by 17 Jul. I lost 5 PDS.... Then the heat hit during this past week and I could take my Dogs out in the heat. My walks went from 10.5 km a day to only 4 km. But I kept up with being below my calorie intake. Because I wasnt getting as much exercise, I decided I should measure how much creamer I actually use in a Cup of coffee. It was an eye opener. I use almost 3 tbsp of creamer in each Cup... and I drink approx 8 Cups a day..... so that is like 840 calories a day. I also hardly drank any water. And i smoke but I only smoke when I have coffee..... and I only drank coffee when I smoke. The two went Hand in Hand, so I knew if one went, the other had to go.

So I quit Smoking. Had my last cigarette on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday as a non-smoker. I cut out almost all the coffee.... I have maybe one a day and with less creamer. I dont want the coffee to taste too good and then I will want the smoke with it.

I have been diligent with my Food diary...... havent blown the calories.... in fact, stayed below..... and I have been drinking so much water...... water water water..... like I have been told to do.....

And the results....... in the past week, I not only gained all the weight back, but plus two PDS. And I checked my measurements this morning..... the inches I lost.... completely back.

It was working better when I was Smoking.... drinking a ton of coffee with creamer and not logging it.

Is this normal?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Congratulations on stopping smoking! That's the single best thing you can do for your body. And wow, what an eye-opener on the coffee creamer.

    You're doing the right things - give your body a week or 2 to catch up with these changes.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Don't give up, you have done the right thing by quitting smoking. Coffee, I believe, is a diuretic because of the caffeine. Previous poster is right, give your body a little time to overcome the shock of the changes you have made. You are moving in the right direction. Great job!!
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    First congrats on the quitting smoking :)

    Next I have read that smoking actually boosts metabolism and burns up to 200 calories a day. So basically if the fewer calories you're taking in by the coffee creamer versus the fewer calories from the decreased exercise evens out you're still behind the game.

    Plus make sure you are logging everything now including anything you are sticking in your mouth instead of a cigarette. You already know how quickly those "insignificant" things can add up.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    You know....YOU QUIT SMOKING. That's huge, and I'd suggest giving yourself a little time and space, not trying to do everything perfectly. It' a lot to try to juggle a huge number of new behaviors. Just try to eat very nutritiously so you can feel as good as possibly physically while your body settles into this wonderful new reality. Obesity is sure not good for us....but smoking, even though only 19% of adult do it in this country, is still the top cause of preventable death.

    The rest is going to come, one change at a time, one day at a time. But this--the biggest health change a person can make. and it can be done.You deserve so much credit, and you can really stay with this! I know because I quit smoking 23 years and 9 months ago. Please be proud instead of getting down on yourself.
  • mari3city
    mari3city Posts: 1 Member
    Keep it up! Don't give up! You will see the results that you are looking for :)
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    So I joined MFP the first week of July (3 weeks ago). I logged everything I ate.... except coffee... which I drink with Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. I figured that I would make sure I always had a bunch of calories left over to account for the calories in the creamer. I did the July 100 Mile Challenge and was done by 17 Jul. I lost 5 PDS.... Then the heat hit during this past week and I could take my Dogs out in the heat. My walks went from 10.5 km a day to only 4 km. But I kept up with being below my calorie intake. Because I wasnt getting as much exercise, I decided I should measure how much creamer I actually use in a Cup of coffee. It was an eye opener. I use almost 3 tbsp of creamer in each Cup... and I drink approx 8 Cups a day..... so that is like 840 calories a day. I also hardly drank any water. And i smoke but I only smoke when I have coffee..... and I only drank coffee when I smoke. The two went Hand in Hand, so I knew if one went, the other had to go.

    So I quit Smoking. Had my last cigarette on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday as a non-smoker. I cut out almost all the coffee.... I have maybe one a day and with less creamer. I dont want the coffee to taste too good and then I will want the smoke with it.

    I have been diligent with my Food diary...... havent blown the calories.... in fact, stayed below..... and I have been drinking so much water...... water water water..... like I have been told to do.....

    And the results....... in the past week, I not only gained all the weight back, but plus two PDS. And I checked my measurements this morning..... the inches I lost.... completely back.

    It was working better when I was Smoking.... drinking a ton of coffee with creamer and not logging it.

    Is this normal?

    It's a little amazing to me that people could say they're logging everything except something that's adding almost 1,000 calories a day, but the point is to learn,. Although it's commendable that you're stopping smoking and you SHOULD stop, stopping the creamer and the smoking at the same time sounds like it was too much stress.

    If I were you I'd resume smoking temporarily, while working on reducing the creamer. If you can't quit it cold turkey, start adding nonfat milk to it every day until in a month you're drinking all nonfat milk and no creamer. If you can drink coffee with nonfat milk for three months and are sticking to your plan and losing weight I would then try to stop smoking. But remember, smoking cessation often causes people to gain weight so you have to be prepared.

    There's no point in making yourself miserable; it will only backfire.
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    First congrats on the quitting smoking :)

    Next I have read that smoking actually boosts metabolism and burns up to 200 calories a day. So basically if the fewer calories you're taking in by the coffee creamer versus the fewer calories from the decreased exercise evens out you're still behind the game.

    Plus make sure you are logging everything now including anything you are sticking in your mouth instead of a cigarette. You already know how quickly those "insignificant" things can add up.

    Coffee and the creamer was the ONLY Thing I didnt log. The only other time that I didnt log something was once I had ONE M&M Peanut. Even calculated it out..... 15 Calories for one.... and Never had another one. LOL......

    I know that alot of ppl gain weight by replacing cigarettes with Food...... but the difference is I am not putting any else in my mouth to replace the cigarette because I dont want to gain weight. No gum... no candies.... nothing. I am also doing this cold Turkey..... no patches, drugs or whatever else is available. I drink water.
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    So I joined MFP the first week of July (3 weeks ago). I logged everything I ate.... except coffee... which I drink with Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. I figured that I would make sure I always had a bunch of calories left over to account for the calories in the creamer. I did the July 100 Mile Challenge and was done by 17 Jul. I lost 5 PDS.... Then the heat hit during this past week and I could take my Dogs out in the heat. My walks went from 10.5 km a day to only 4 km. But I kept up with being below my calorie intake. Because I wasnt getting as much exercise, I decided I should measure how much creamer I actually use in a Cup of coffee. It was an eye opener. I use almost 3 tbsp of creamer in each Cup... and I drink approx 8 Cups a day..... so that is like 840 calories a day. I also hardly drank any water. And i smoke but I only smoke when I have coffee..... and I only drank coffee when I smoke. The two went Hand in Hand, so I knew if one went, the other had to go.

    So I quit Smoking. Had my last cigarette on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday as a non-smoker. I cut out almost all the coffee.... I have maybe one a day and with less creamer. I dont want the coffee to taste too good and then I will want the smoke with it.

    I have been diligent with my Food diary...... havent blown the calories.... in fact, stayed below..... and I have been drinking so much water...... water water water..... like I have been told to do.....

    And the results....... in the past week, I not only gained all the weight back, but plus two PDS. And I checked my measurements this morning..... the inches I lost.... completely back.

    It was working better when I was Smoking.... drinking a ton of coffee with creamer and not logging it.

    Is this normal?

    It's a little amazing to me that people could say they're logging everything except something that's adding almost 1,000 calories a day, but the point is to learn,. Although it's commendable that you're stopping smoking and you SHOULD stop, stopping the creamer and the smoking at the same time sounds like it was too much stress.

    If I were you I'd resume smoking temporarily, while working on reducing the creamer. If you can't quit it cold turkey, start adding nonfat milk to it every day until in a month you're drinking all nonfat milk and no creamer. If you can drink coffee with nonfat milk for three months and are sticking to your plan and losing weight I would then try to stop smoking. But remember, smoking cessation often causes people to gain weight so you have to be prepared.

    There's no point in making yourself miserable; it will only backfire.

    Are you serious? Resume Smoking? Temporarily? Sorry but that is just NOT gonna happen. I am on day 5....... a pack and a half a day to Zero. I feel much better already..... and if I have to have a choice between being a fat non-smoker or a skinny smoker, I will take the fat Option. LOL

    If anything, I have been more viligent on what I am eating, and specifically finding something else to do when I want to smoke, other than filling my face. No gum, no candies..... I drink WATER...... from the tap.... no expensive flavoured water..... just plain old water.

    I have been Managing quite well.... especially since my husband is still Smoking up to 2 pks a day..... Drinks Coke all evening (between beers and Whiskey) Long while on the Computer, with a bowl of M&M Peanuts beside him that he Snacks on. Both of which I do not indulge in. And worse part, he is not overweight and never exercises.
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    great job!! i also don't measure my creamer, will do that in the morning - thanks for sharing your eye opener! right now i feel like i over estimate what i log to be safe, but i'm interested to see now. and i agree with the first commenter to give your body some time to adjust. to keep up your motivation with quitting the cigarettes and the over abundance of creamer, just remember to tell yourself you are doing the best thing to make your body the greatest it can be. you will be the healthiest version of you, you can be! :smile:
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi there....Having been a smoker previously and aware of the battle and downfalls of quiting I'd like to say well done and agree that this is a positive life change without a doubt.....

    My only concerns are....I think you may be taking to much on with the dieting, stopping smoking and eliminating things you enjoy all at the same time. If you fall down in one area you may tumble all together if you get what I mean.

    When I stopped smoking I was conscious of eating healthy and also tried to avoid stuffing my face with anything and everything and to be fair was diligent with that. However I still put on weight!! The fact is the chemicals we put into our bodies affect our whole metabolic rate, digestive system, the chemical reactions and imbalances etc, therefore to be honest I think it's part of the process of stopping smoking and simply the body adjusting...after a year of quitting then I focused on trying to lose the extra 2 stone I gained via dieting and exercise....

    By all means don't give up, but at the same time being to hard on yourself will make it more difficult... Good Luck
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Maybe find an alternative healthy drink you like which you could replace the coffee with to ....every bit helps .At least then it eliminates the triggers... :)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Well done on quitting the smoking. I hope you find out what the is causing the lack of results.
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for the Support. The funny Thing is that I am not dieting to lose weight..... I am changing my Lifestyle to lose weight. I would two days without eating...... When I did eat, it was one meal.... usually at the end of the day.

    I dont drink Soda or Pop...... alcohol, less that once a month... and usually only a glass of wine or a cosmos with dinner.

    I lived on coffee and smokes.......

    Started to make the Change..... eating and tracking my Food........ exercising....doing at least 10.5 KM per day......

    Was making excellent Progress and decided to stop Smoking and the creamer.

    I have yet to meet my calorie intake..... before I ditched the coffee creamer. I was always almost 900 under.
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Maybe find an alternative healthy drink you like which you could replace the coffee with to ....every bit helps .At least then it eliminates the triggers... :)

    I am drinking water.... Is that not healthy?
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I agree with the others that say to give your body a chance to catch up. Keep doing the good things and you should start to lose weight.

    If, after a few weeks, you are still not losing weight and you are confident that you are eating well you might want to consider getting your thyroid checked. For some people who are predisposed to hypothyroidism, stopping smoking can be the trigger to it developing (although it would likely have developed anyway at some point with another trigger such as a stressful event). Starting smoking again, no matter how temporarily, will not reverse this. Stopping smoking is a fantastic thing you have done for your health. Hopefully when your body settles down you will start to lose the weight again :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    So I joined MFP the first week of July (3 weeks ago). I logged everything I ate.... except coffee... which I drink with Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. I figured that I would make sure I always had a bunch of calories left over to account for the calories in the creamer. I did the July 100 Mile Challenge and was done by 17 Jul. I lost 5 PDS.... Then the heat hit during this past week and I could take my Dogs out in the heat. My walks went from 10.5 km a day to only 4 km. But I kept up with being below my calorie intake. Because I wasnt getting as much exercise, I decided I should measure how much creamer I actually use in a Cup of coffee. It was an eye opener. I use almost 3 tbsp of creamer in each Cup... and I drink approx 8 Cups a day..... so that is like 840 calories a day. I also hardly drank any water. And i smoke but I only smoke when I have coffee..... and I only drank coffee when I smoke. The two went Hand in Hand, so I knew if one went, the other had to go.

    So I quit Smoking. Had my last cigarette on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday as a non-smoker. I cut out almost all the coffee.... I have maybe one a day and with less creamer. I dont want the coffee to taste too good and then I will want the smoke with it.

    I have been diligent with my Food diary...... havent blown the calories.... in fact, stayed below..... and I have been drinking so much water...... water water water..... like I have been told to do.....

    And the results....... in the past week, I not only gained all the weight back, but plus two PDS. And I checked my measurements this morning..... the inches I lost.... completely back.

    It was working better when I was Smoking.... drinking a ton of coffee with creamer and not logging it.

    Is this normal?

    It's a little amazing to me that people could say they're logging everything except something that's adding almost 1,000 calories a day, but the point is to learn,. Although it's commendable that you're stopping smoking and you SHOULD stop, stopping the creamer and the smoking at the same time sounds like it was too much stress.

    If I were you I'd resume smoking temporarily, while working on reducing the creamer. If you can't quit it cold turkey, start adding nonfat milk to it every day until in a month you're drinking all nonfat milk and no creamer. If you can drink coffee with nonfat milk for three months and are sticking to your plan and losing weight I would then try to stop smoking. But remember, smoking cessation often causes people to gain weight so you have to be prepared.

    There's no point in making yourself miserable; it will only backfire.

    That's got to be the worst advice I've ever read!!! Jeez!! :noway:

    Quitting smoking is the single BEST thing you can do for your body!!

    You're doing great OP. With determination like yours, you're going to win!!

    When you quit smoking your metabolism does slow down a bit. Nicotine is a stimulant. So is coffee!! Give your body time to adjust whilst stimulating your body with exercise, eating regularly and drinking lots of water, like you're doing. Add some lemon juice to the water as that is great for cravings too!

    As an ex smoker I can guarantee that you'll feel amazing and never look back when you quit. I'm now in my 9th year having smoked 40 per day for 20 years!

    Good luck, you will be happy and healthy by the end of the year! Stick with it. :flowerforyou:
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    You are not logging in the killer coffee :) still 5 lbs a month is good result :)
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    So I joined MFP the first week of July (3 weeks ago). I logged everything I ate.... except coffee... which I drink with Coffee Mate French Vanilla creamer. I figured that I would make sure I always had a bunch of calories left over to account for the calories in the creamer. I did the July 100 Mile Challenge and was done by 17 Jul. I lost 5 PDS.... Then the heat hit during this past week and I could take my Dogs out in the heat. My walks went from 10.5 km a day to only 4 km. But I kept up with being below my calorie intake. Because I wasnt getting as much exercise, I decided I should measure how much creamer I actually use in a Cup of coffee. It was an eye opener. I use almost 3 tbsp of creamer in each Cup... and I drink approx 8 Cups a day..... so that is like 840 calories a day. I also hardly drank any water. And i smoke but I only smoke when I have coffee..... and I only drank coffee when I smoke. The two went Hand in Hand, so I knew if one went, the other had to go.

    So I quit Smoking. Had my last cigarette on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday as a non-smoker. I cut out almost all the coffee.... I have maybe one a day and with less creamer. I dont want the coffee to taste too good and then I will want the smoke with it.

    I have been diligent with my Food diary...... havent blown the calories.... in fact, stayed below..... and I have been drinking so much water...... water water water..... like I have been told to do.....

    And the results....... in the past week, I not only gained all the weight back, but plus two PDS. And I checked my measurements this morning..... the inches I lost.... completely back.

    It was working better when I was Smoking.... drinking a ton of coffee with creamer and not logging it.

    Is this normal?

    It's a little amazing to me that people could say they're logging everything except something that's adding almost 1,000 calories a day, but the point is to learn,. Although it's commendable that you're stopping smoking and you SHOULD stop, stopping the creamer and the smoking at the same time sounds like it was too much stress.

    If I were you I'd resume smoking temporarily, while working on reducing the creamer. If you can't quit it cold turkey, start adding nonfat milk to it every day until in a month you're drinking all nonfat milk and no creamer. If you can drink coffee with nonfat milk for three months and are sticking to your plan and losing weight I would then try to stop smoking. But remember, smoking cessation often causes people to gain weight so you have to be prepared.

    There's no point in making yourself miserable; it will only backfire.
    You actually just recommended some body resume smoking???? Seriously? I just about fell out of my chair reading that. OP seems to be doing just fine without the cigarettes. Just needs to give his/her body time to adjust to the changes, caffeine is a diuretic and it's just been replaced with a great deal of water which I'm betting his/her body needed a lot of (sorry, I didn't catch your gender). Keep doing what you're doing now, only log the creamer when you use it or find something to replace it with if you decide to continue drinking the occasional coffee. Congrats on the quitting smoking!!!!!!! That's a tough thing to do, good luck and maybe let us know how you're doing? :flowerforyou:
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    I quit smoking 2 years ago and gained weight. I will tell you that over and over... it's the best thing I've done; even with the gain. I hated being held captive by cigarettes, not being able to breath and smelling like a cigarette. They controlled me and what I did. The worst part is the health impacts it has. You just took a huge step toward being a healthier person and taking control of your life. Take the few pounds with a grain of salt and don't worry. What goes on will come off. Congrats on quitting! I know it's hard to see it now, but you just made a huge difference in your life for you and those around you!
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Well, I just weighed myself and I have lost 2 PDS in the past 5 hrs. I stopped drinking all that water........ water Retention perhaps. I hope so..........