"Direct" vs "indirect" goals

Direct goals are goals that are in our direct control - like, I can control if I am going to eat something (or not) or go to the gym or take a walk etc. So, direct goals would be for example, goal to walk mile a day or goal to go to the gym 3 times a week or staying in a caloric deficit for few months, etc.

Indirect goals are goals that are not in our direct control but they occur as a consequence of some direct action - like, for example loosing 10 lbs or having a six pack. Nobody can directly loose 10lbs (only in liposuction), but of course can be done as a side effect of our direct actions like calorie deficit or exercise.

Which type of goals do you use more? Do you focus more on direct or indirect goals? Which one gives you better results?


  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Both. My indirect goals constitute my motivation. My direct goals constitute my determination.