Keto cutting



  • roismacconnmhaigh
    roismacconnmhaigh Posts: 5 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    It really is an enjoyable way to eat sustainably. A word of advice... for the first 2 or 3 weeks, try and avoid some off the keto substitute items until you really get the hang of it and actually get into ketosis. Don't spoil yourself with keto breads and things of that nature. It could stall you. Best of luck and glad you have had a successful first day! Keep it up!

    I haven't even tried doing keto breads. I'm sticking with food items like deviled eggs, tuna salad, chicken salad, stirfry (coconut oil and spices no sugary sauce), roast chicken, and very small portions of fruit. Adding large amounts of fats seems to be an issue for me as I never seem to get in the full amount that I am supposed to. However on the macro is says the percentage is right but not when it comes to grams. I'm a big bread lover and yesterday I felt as though I was starving even though I had eaten quite a bit. I figure it is from the carb restriction. No weight loss of any dramatic amount as of yet but I know my body is very stubborn when it comes to low carbs.
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
    So after a full day of egg fasting yesterday, and going over my daily caloriez by more than 800, I still managed to lose about a pound. I did implement my intermittent fasting today and that not only finished my day off with more than 200 calories to spare... I also felt a lot fuller and more satisfied towards the end of the day. Yesterday i ate a total of 12 eggs, 12 servings of fat, and 6 oz of cheese. Today, it was a total of 8 eggs and fat servings, along with 4 oz of cheese.
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    I have been on keto for a couple of months, not too serious but it has help curb my sugar cravings alot! I eat more carbs than normal but am still managing to lose weight! Do love Keto lots!!!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    How is everyone's day of keto going? With starting an egg fast today, I figured I would input my starting weight of 241. I am going to attempt this thing for 5- 7 days. I can tell already that i am eating too many eggs because i just ate lunch and am already a little over 200 calories from my daily total. They say not to focus on the calorie count and only worry about the fat and protein macros. Those are on point and I definitely feel full. I think tomorrow i will drop it down some and probably go back to intermittent fasting while doing this thing. Anyone done the egg fast and notice anything similar or have any tips?
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    So after a full day of egg fasting yesterday, and going over my daily caloriez by more than 800, I still managed to lose about a pound. I did implement my intermittent fasting today and that not only finished my day off with more than 200 calories to spare... I also felt a lot fuller and more satisfied towards the end of the day. Yesterday i ate a total of 12 eggs, 12 servings of fat, and 6 oz of cheese. Today, it was a total of 8 eggs and fat servings, along with 4 oz of cheese.

    Keto is a way of eating, not a replacement for counting calories. Calories still matter, and consistently being over your calories will mean you'll gain weight. Egg fasts (and keto) are unnecessary for weight loss - why not just stick to counting calories and eating normal food (sticking to your keto macros if that's what you choose to do)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    It really is an enjoyable way to eat sustainably. A word of advice... for the first 2 or 3 weeks, try and avoid some off the keto substitute items until you really get the hang of it and actually get into ketosis. Don't spoil yourself with keto breads and things of that nature. It could stall you. Best of luck and glad you have had a successful first day! Keep it up!

    I haven't even tried doing keto breads. I'm sticking with food items like deviled eggs, tuna salad, chicken salad, stirfry (coconut oil and spices no sugary sauce), roast chicken, and very small portions of fruit. Adding large amounts of fats seems to be an issue for me as I never seem to get in the full amount that I am supposed to. However on the macro is says the percentage is right but not when it comes to grams. I'm a big bread lover and yesterday I felt as though I was starving even though I had eaten quite a bit. I figure it is from the carb restriction. No weight loss of any dramatic amount as of yet but I know my body is very stubborn when it comes to low carbs.

    Macro percentages in your diary will always add up to 100%. They are based upon what you've entered for the day, whether that's one meal out of 3 or your whole days food. If you struggle getting enough calories, try preplanning your meals - work on grams and calories.
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
    Today was a good day for the egg fast. I felt full most of the day and came no where near my daily caloric max. I also woke up another pound or so down. If i continue steadily at this pace, by the end of day 9 I be down almost 15 pounds! That, I can definitely handle! Today was 6 eggs, 6 fats, and 3 ounces of cheese. I was surprisingly full all day and this is coming from a guy who loves the act of eating and never recognizes "full" until it is too late. How was everyone else's keto day?
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
    Another day on the egg fast to break my keto weight loss stall and man is it working! This morning I got on the scale and was down another 2 pounds! I made egg salad today for lunch using 4 eggs, 2 servings of mayo, a splash of hot sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded Swiss cheese mixed together. Swiss cheese was not the best choice and pretty much any other cheese would have tasted better, but i was trying to mix things up. I also had a bulletproof coffee with a serving of butter and a serving of MCT oil. That all left me stuffed, again, and i came home from work nowhere near hungry. But, i decided too mix things up and made some egg fast and keto friendly egg drop soup using 2 cups boiling water, 2tbls butter, and two beaten eggs along with a little seasoning. It turned out surprisingly well and went down a lot easier than expected considering i was still full from lunch. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to see if the scale went down some more and by how much!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    Another day on the egg fast to break my keto weight loss stall and man is it working! This morning I got on the scale and was down another 2 pounds! I made egg salad today for lunch using 4 eggs, 2 servings of mayo, a splash of hot sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded Swiss cheese mixed together. Swiss cheese was not the best choice and pretty much any other cheese would have tasted better, but i was trying to mix things up. I also had a bulletproof coffee with a serving of butter and a serving of MCT oil. That all left me stuffed, again, and i came home from work nowhere near hungry. But, i decided too mix things up and made some egg fast and keto friendly egg drop soup using 2 cups boiling water, 2tbls butter, and two beaten eggs along with a little seasoning. It turned out surprisingly well and went down a lot easier than expected considering i was still full from lunch. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to see if the scale went down some more and by how much!

    You're losing a lot of water weight from not eating any carbs. You're likely also undereating, and whilst super fast weight loss may seem like a great idea, low calories and limited nutrients are just going to lead to health issues.

    What are you planning to do once your "egg fast" is over?
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    Another day on the egg fast to break my keto weight loss stall and man is it working! This morning I got on the scale and was down another 2 pounds! I made egg salad today for lunch using 4 eggs, 2 servings of mayo, a splash of hot sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded Swiss cheese mixed together. Swiss cheese was not the best choice and pretty much any other cheese would have tasted better, but i was trying to mix things up. I also had a bulletproof coffee with a serving of butter and a serving of MCT oil. That all left me stuffed, again, and i came home from work nowhere near hungry. But, i decided too mix things up and made some egg fast and keto friendly egg drop soup using 2 cups boiling water, 2tbls butter, and two beaten eggs along with a little seasoning. It turned out surprisingly well and went down a lot easier than expected considering i was still full from lunch. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to see if the scale went down some more and by how much!

    You're losing a lot of water weight from not eating any carbs. You're likely also undereating, and whilst super fast weight loss may seem like a great idea, low calories and limited nutrients are just going to lead to health issues.

    What are you planning to do once your "egg fast" is over?

    Go back to the way I was eating before which was more of a High fat, low carb, moderate protein way of eating. Listen, I appreciate your insight and opinion, as well as you willingness to try and help... I truly do. But this is a Keto challenge stream and so far every comment you have made is why Keto is bad. I can tell you from my experience since 6 March of this year, and 72 pounds lost so far, that what I am losing is NOT water weight. Water weight is what you lose when you first get started and considering I have been doing this for a little over 4 months, I can't quantifiably justify my weight loss as all water weight. Second, I use to believe the current load of crap the medical community spews about how eating high fats and low carbs and this that or the other is bad for your health. here is what I have experienced: Since March when I quit taking all of my blood pressure meds and started eating the way I do, which includes no added sugars and nothing processed, my blood pressure has been maintaining at about 108/74. I was on high dosage BP meds for nearly a decade and the best BP I saw was about 135/90. I was on cholesterol meds until 6 March when I stopped.. my cholesterol is now fantastic! I was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds thanks to the military and PTSD.... not anymore and experiencing nearly no symptoms. I was taking blood thinners thanks to blood clots and heart issues.. all of that done and all of my panels come back completely normal. I learned to control my insulin spikes and went from being Pre-Type 2 to completely healthy. Oh, and the horse crap they spew about when you don't eat carbs you burn muscle mass instead of fat is a FAT LIE. Thanks to access to a "BOD POD" on the military installation I can confirm that my body fat % has gone from 38% down to 24% with my lean body mass actually increasing since I am doing strength building in the gym. I am still hitting PRs and gains that I haven't seen since before I was in the military. So yes, I can appreciate your opinion and it is not unlike pretty much everyone else's that still believe that their way is the only way because it is how THEY have had success.... The point is, I have tried that way and unfortunately it did not work for me for what my goals are. I do not restrict my calories and eat roughly 300 calories a day more than what MFP recommends. I am not starving myself and I am getting plenty of vital nutrients. What I am doing is allowing my body to reset and heal naturally and not be influenced or dictated by popular follow the leader thinking which got it into such dangerously poor condition in the first place. AND since this is a KETO discussion, I think I will maintain what I am doing since it is obviously working and my health is quantifiably better than it was before Keto. Thanks.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    Another day on the egg fast to break my keto weight loss stall and man is it working! This morning I got on the scale and was down another 2 pounds! I made egg salad today for lunch using 4 eggs, 2 servings of mayo, a splash of hot sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded Swiss cheese mixed together. Swiss cheese was not the best choice and pretty much any other cheese would have tasted better, but i was trying to mix things up. I also had a bulletproof coffee with a serving of butter and a serving of MCT oil. That all left me stuffed, again, and i came home from work nowhere near hungry. But, i decided too mix things up and made some egg fast and keto friendly egg drop soup using 2 cups boiling water, 2tbls butter, and two beaten eggs along with a little seasoning. It turned out surprisingly well and went down a lot easier than expected considering i was still full from lunch. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to see if the scale went down some more and by how much!

    You're losing a lot of water weight from not eating any carbs. You're likely also undereating, and whilst super fast weight loss may seem like a great idea, low calories and limited nutrients are just going to lead to health issues.

    What are you planning to do once your "egg fast" is over?

    Go back to the way I was eating before which was more of a High fat, low carb, moderate protein way of eating. Listen, I appreciate your insight and opinion, as well as you willingness to try and help... I truly do. But this is a Keto challenge stream and so far every comment you have made is why Keto is bad. I can tell you from my experience since 6 March of this year, and 72 pounds lost so far, that what I am losing is NOT water weight. Water weight is what you lose when you first get started and considering I have been doing this for a little over 4 months, I can't quantifiably justify my weight loss as all water weight. Second, I use to believe the current load of crap the medical community spews about how eating high fats and low carbs and this that or the other is bad for your health. here is what I have experienced: Since March when I quit taking all of my blood pressure meds and started eating the way I do, which includes no added sugars and nothing processed, my blood pressure has been maintaining at about 108/74. I was on high dosage BP meds for nearly a decade and the best BP I saw was about 135/90. I was on cholesterol meds until 6 March when I stopped.. my cholesterol is now fantastic! I was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds thanks to the military and PTSD.... not anymore and experiencing nearly no symptoms. I was taking blood thinners thanks to blood clots and heart issues.. all of that done and all of my panels come back completely normal. I learned to control my insulin spikes and went from being Pre-Type 2 to completely healthy. Oh, and the horse crap they spew about when you don't eat carbs you burn muscle mass instead of fat is a FAT LIE. Thanks to access to a "BOD POD" on the military installation I can confirm that my body fat % has gone from 38% down to 24% with my lean body mass actually increasing since I am doing strength building in the gym. I am still hitting PRs and gains that I haven't seen since before I was in the military. So yes, I can appreciate your opinion and it is not unlike pretty much everyone else's that still believe that their way is the only way because it is how THEY have had success.... The point is, I have tried that way and unfortunately it did not work for me for what my goals are. I do not restrict my calories and eat roughly 300 calories a day more than what MFP recommends. I am not starving myself and I am getting plenty of vital nutrients. What I am doing is allowing my body to reset and heal naturally and not be influenced or dictated by popular follow the leader thinking which got it into such dangerously poor condition in the first place. AND since this is a KETO discussion, I think I will maintain what I am doing since it is obviously working and my health is quantifiably better than it was before Keto. Thanks.

    I haven't said anything about keto being bad. I think your egg fast is ridiculously unnecessary, but that's a separate issue. You don't know what my "way" is now, or has been, or what I believe about food, health or nutrition. You've lost a large amount of weight, regardless of how you achieved that it's not surprising your health has also improved.
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    CAAndrews1 wrote: »
    Another day on the egg fast to break my keto weight loss stall and man is it working! This morning I got on the scale and was down another 2 pounds! I made egg salad today for lunch using 4 eggs, 2 servings of mayo, a splash of hot sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded Swiss cheese mixed together. Swiss cheese was not the best choice and pretty much any other cheese would have tasted better, but i was trying to mix things up. I also had a bulletproof coffee with a serving of butter and a serving of MCT oil. That all left me stuffed, again, and i came home from work nowhere near hungry. But, i decided too mix things up and made some egg fast and keto friendly egg drop soup using 2 cups boiling water, 2tbls butter, and two beaten eggs along with a little seasoning. It turned out surprisingly well and went down a lot easier than expected considering i was still full from lunch. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to see if the scale went down some more and by how much!

    You're losing a lot of water weight from not eating any carbs. You're likely also undereating, and whilst super fast weight loss may seem like a great idea, low calories and limited nutrients are just going to lead to health issues.

    What are you planning to do once your "egg fast" is over?

    Go back to the way I was eating before which was more of a High fat, low carb, moderate protein way of eating. Listen, I appreciate your insight and opinion, as well as you willingness to try and help... I truly do. But this is a Keto challenge stream and so far every comment you have made is why Keto is bad. I can tell you from my experience since 6 March of this year, and 72 pounds lost so far, that what I am losing is NOT water weight. Water weight is what you lose when you first get started and considering I have been doing this for a little over 4 months, I can't quantifiably justify my weight loss as all water weight. Second, I use to believe the current load of crap the medical community spews about how eating high fats and low carbs and this that or the other is bad for your health. here is what I have experienced: Since March when I quit taking all of my blood pressure meds and started eating the way I do, which includes no added sugars and nothing processed, my blood pressure has been maintaining at about 108/74. I was on high dosage BP meds for nearly a decade and the best BP I saw was about 135/90. I was on cholesterol meds until 6 March when I stopped.. my cholesterol is now fantastic! I was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds thanks to the military and PTSD.... not anymore and experiencing nearly no symptoms. I was taking blood thinners thanks to blood clots and heart issues.. all of that done and all of my panels come back completely normal. I learned to control my insulin spikes and went from being Pre-Type 2 to completely healthy. Oh, and the horse crap they spew about when you don't eat carbs you burn muscle mass instead of fat is a FAT LIE. Thanks to access to a "BOD POD" on the military installation I can confirm that my body fat % has gone from 38% down to 24% with my lean body mass actually increasing since I am doing strength building in the gym. I am still hitting PRs and gains that I haven't seen since before I was in the military. So yes, I can appreciate your opinion and it is not unlike pretty much everyone else's that still believe that their way is the only way because it is how THEY have had success.... The point is, I have tried that way and unfortunately it did not work for me for what my goals are. I do not restrict my calories and eat roughly 300 calories a day more than what MFP recommends. I am not starving myself and I am getting plenty of vital nutrients. What I am doing is allowing my body to reset and heal naturally and not be influenced or dictated by popular follow the leader thinking which got it into such dangerously poor condition in the first place. AND since this is a KETO discussion, I think I will maintain what I am doing since it is obviously working and my health is quantifiably better than it was before Keto. Thanks.

    I haven't said anything about keto being bad. I think your egg fast is ridiculously unnecessary, but that's a separate issue. You don't know what my "way" is now, or has been, or what I believe about food, health or nutrition. You've lost a large amount of weight, regardless of how you achieved that it's not surprising your health has also improved.

    what is considered too rapid of weight loss? 72 pounds is a large number seemingly on the surface and it sounds even great when you say "over 4 months". That averages to about 4 pounds a week. That in and of itself can seem like a large amount on the surface, but anyone trying to lose weight or who has tried in the past knows that weight loss in not linear. I have not lost 4 pounds a week, or 17 pounds a month, or 1.75 pounds a day consecutively. There are weeks where I stalled and did not lose any weight and there are some weeks where I actually gained some weight back. But my overall journey has been progressive weight loss. And you are right, I do not know anything about you, your way of eating, or anything of the like. I made some assumptions based on your comments towards everyone in this thread about how they aren't eating enough carbs.. i.e. low carbs is not good. For the assumption, I apologize. But the same holds true to you. You did not know anything about me or my medical/health condition. You did make some broad assumptions that my health would suffer or deteriorate because you assumed I am not taking in enough calories or vital nutrients.. solely on the fact that I said I am on a temporary egg fast to help break my stall. This is what I tell everyone who questions what I am doing as if to assume I am doing something terrible for my body: I have done my research and homework. I found out that the series of medications I was on, in conjunction with each other, were what was likely causing a lot of my medical and health related issues. The meds I was taking had side effects such as WEIGHT GAIN, INFLAMATION, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, etc... the meds I was being fed was not helping my body as a whole, they were individually treating an individual symptom, rather than the root cause. I simply eliminated what caused more of the contrived symptoms and started to locate and address the root cause. Yes, losing weight has greatly helped and improved the way I feel, which in turns gives me more energy and motivation. On that we can and will agree. I'm sorry for seeming so defensive, it's just that I get tired of the nay sayers (not trying to imply that you are one) who constantly belittle folks for trying to improve themselves simply because it is not in line with the status quo. And when afforded the opportunity to reach out to others who are trying similar techniques, criticism still finds it's way in rather than the support that they were looking for. I want to be a champion for others, to help others reach their goals, in whatever means which works for them and their body. I do not one to be the type who arrives at their end state and then turn into the person who criticizes rather than supports. I considered getting credentialed as a sports nutritionist, registered dietician, or something within the medical field... but after doing my own homework and research I realized that I can learn just as much, if not more for next to nothing and I am not limited in scope to what I can learn based on what is willing to be taught. Yes, I will miss out on clinical and residencies, which only takes away from my practical application on a large scale... it does not, however, limit me in my knowledge base. Sorry for the rant and I do appreciate your willingness to engage.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Where have I said anything about people not eating enough carbs?!
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
  • Shutchcraft818
    Shutchcraft818 Posts: 6 Member
    I started keto 2 days ago and have lost 5 lbs so far!
  • CAAndrews1
    CAAndrews1 Posts: 12 Member
    I started keto 2 days ago and have lost 5 lbs so far!

    That's awesome! How are you adjusting drop fat to the new macros? I know when i first started i had about 3 days where i missed or craved certain things. But after that i was good. I feel like i was one of the lucky ones because i never had the keto flu. Keep it up and i look forward to hearing how you progress.
  • Em3raldcity206
    Em3raldcity206 Posts: 1 Member
    How do you do the egg fast? I've been doing keto since April and have lost almost 30 pounds. The last couple of weeks though, I seem to be losing and gaining the same pound. It's frustrating. Does IF help as well?
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member
    Help... what happens when your not a big egg fan and the thought of eating them sometimes makes you sick, lol. I try scrambled which is good but boiled I have a hard time with. I did eat egg salad this morning which was pretty good. Just need something to get me over the boiled eggs ☺️
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Help... what happens when your not a big egg fan and the thought of eating them sometimes makes you sick, lol. I try scrambled which is good but boiled I have a hard time with. I did eat egg salad this morning which was pretty good. Just need something to get me over the boiled eggs ☺️

    You eat something else?
  • tamikappes
    tamikappes Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2017
    Add cream cheese to your scrambled eggs. It's amazing and gives you a bump in fat. You can also make bacon egg fat bombs.