New mom, needs friends and help!

Hi all! I'm a new mom, I had my lovely daughter on 6/16! I am looking for some friends, motivation and helpful workout tips to help me shed my baby weight.

During my whole pregnancy I gained 40 pounds, and I have lost 20 of those since giving birth. I really want to be down to my original weight of 145 by early September. I still have until the end of July before I am cleared to start really working out again. I gained most of my weight in my butt, thighs and arms. I want to start working my arm muscles a little bit to try and get a head start on those.

I'm trying to watch my nutrition/calorie intake with MFP, but could use some help along the way!



  • hadassaa1
    hadassaa1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello there I think we have similarities. We can probably be a great influence for each other. Add me!!
  • Yessy__17
    Yessy__17 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2017
    You can add me if you like (: I'm a first time mommy btw.
  • MrsAceti
    MrsAceti Posts: 1 Member
    Hey great to meet you. I've had four kids so far and I have to say losing weight after the first three was easy it wasn't until this last baby that I've had difficulty. You will do great if you keep striving for that September goal.
  • LC8613
    LC8613 Posts: 11 Member
    Aw, congratulations!

    I had my son 4 years ago and I was back to my pre baby weight pretty quickly, but have been up and down ever since... On the way back down and I'm determined this time to lose it and maintain it!

    I think the hardest thing I've found is fitting in a regular exercise routine. I'd love to share and see what others are fitting into their busy parenting schedules!!

    Feel free to add me!
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm a new mom as well. I want to lose 10-20 lbs. Feel free to add me.