Not sure how to enter my recipe...!

RabzMeir Posts: 2 Member
Hey guys! We make tuna patties around once a week and I'm trying to enter it in as a recipe, but I'm not getting the results that are useful to me...

First off, the recipe is really simple:
- Big can of tuna
- 2 eggs
- tblspn of corn meal
- some spices

That's it! But I'm not sure how many people it feeds, and it's a bit different each time. We usually make around 18-22 patties at a time, and I'd love to track how much each patty is so I can control my portions!
Can you guys help me figure this out please?

Thanks so much!!


  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited July 2017
    Enter in the recipe and just say 22 (or whatever you ended up with last time) portions. Then next time you make it, if you end up with 18 patties, just change the number of servings in the recipe and it will recalculate. This is what I do with cookies and such.

    ETA: since the ingredients are probably so low calorie anyway, there is likely not going to be a great difference in the calorie count between 18 and 22, unless you are using tuna in oil, and even then I bet it will be negligible.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    edited July 2017
    "Serves 1" then you can enter a decimal like 0.0555 (1/18), or you can do it by grams.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,102 Member
    Enter in the recipe and just say 22 (or whatever you ended up with last time) portions. Then next time you make it, if you end up with 18 patties, just change the number of servings in the recipe and it will recalculate. This is what I do with cookies and such.

    ETA: since the ingredients are probably so low calorie anyway, there is likely not going to be a great difference in the calorie count between 18 and 22, unless you are using tuna in oil, and even then I bet it will be negligible.

    ^ This.

    I do exactly this with all my recipes as I am often tweaking them which in turn changes the portion size.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    You can also add multiple versions of the recipe. I do this for a couple of my recipes that change very slightly depending on flavor/ingredients available.
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    edited July 2017
    I make it once, weigh the total and then say the recipe serves however many oz the total weighs. Then when I eat one, I weigh it, and log however many "servings" it is in oz weight. It is a bit of a pain the first time but as long as you don't change the recipe, it will be relatively accurate. Even if you make smaller parties one week and larger the next, log their individual weights and you will be all set. The biggest issue with this is that hot items will expel some weight in steam...but I figure it is as close as I can get when not in laboratory and can determine cals by burning.