working out with 2 kids under 5

so im trying to find good work outs to do with my kids around. if i get on like a stationary bike or treadmill they want to know when they get a turn. if i try to go for a run they run off in different directions or wont listen, if i do floor Exercises they want to climb on me. i cant afford the only gym in my town with a day care and have no family that will keep the kids so i can go work out. I was thinking about getting a bike and buying one of those trailer things that they can ride in while i pull it but i worry i am not in shape enough to keep that going. has any one tried one of those? are they hard to pull?


  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    Do they nap? That may be your best bet!
    Mine are a bit older now (4 and 7) but the only thing I found that worked was working out when they were asleep - either before they woke up in the morning, during naptime or after they went to bed. Not ideal, but you've gotta fit it in sometime! :)
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    yeah i try to do it after they go to bed but by that time i am beat. we have to be up at 5 am and i am not a morning person so working out in the morning is very hard for me. and they take nap but that is while i am at work. I feel bad cause i only have from 4pm when we get home till 8 which is bed time to spend with them. that includes cleaning the house, making dinner, getting everyone's stuff ready for the next day, and fitting in a work out. So i try to put them to bed at 8 and then do a work out till 9 and then be in bed by 10. its just by that late at night i dont feel i get the best work out in.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I mostly cycle. My kids are 5 & 7...I have a bike trailer and used to use it more, but they're too big to both go in it now, but I used to do that a lot.

    I typically just get up early before they're awake and go for a wife and I alternate mornings. She runs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I ride on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and usually rock climb on Sunday (we often do that as a family).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Google Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kicks (should be on YouTube)'s a kid's workout. You might do that one a few times until your kids catch on (or get bored) then move onto other Tae Bo workouts. They can follow along, or not.

    Leslie Sansone, Kari Anderson, and Denise Austin have also made kids videos. If not on YouTube, check your local library. Regular Leslie Sansone would definitely be simple enough for kids.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    My kids are 9, 7, and 3 and we do calisthenics every morning - pushups, situps, jumping jacks, planks, etc. for 20 mins. We hit the local playgrounds and just play, sometime doing pullup competitions, but the point is unstructured play.

    We have an Xbox with Kinect and a few workout programs which helps keep them active.

    I bought a 2 seat bike trailer years back, but the kids have outgrown it and I donated this to a teammate at work. Great fun and not that hard to tow.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I mostly cycle. My kids are 5 & 7...I have a bike trailer and used to use it more, but they're too big to both go in it now, but I used to do that a lot.

    I typically just get up early before they're awake and go for a wife and I alternate mornings. She runs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I ride on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and usually rock climb on Sunday (we often do that as a family).

    that would be great but my husband doesnt get home from work till 30 mins before i have to be at work :( I think ill be getting the bike trailer
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Google Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kicks (should be on YouTube)'s a kid's workout. You might do that one a few times until your kids catch on (or get bored) then move onto other Tae Bo workouts. They can follow along, or not.

    Leslie Sansone, Kari Anderson, and Denise Austin have also made kids videos. If not on YouTube, check your local library. Regular Leslie Sansone would definitely be simple enough for kids.

    awesome thank ill look for those tonight
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    My kids are 9, 7, and 3 and we do calisthenics every morning - pushups, situps, jumping jacks, planks, etc. for 20 mins. We hit the local playgrounds and just play, sometime doing pullup competitions, but the point is unstructured play.

    We have an Xbox with Kinect and a few workout programs which helps keep them active.

    I bought a 2 seat bike trailer years back, but the kids have outgrown it and I donated this to a teammate at work. Great fun and not that hard to tow.

    awesome i will be getting the bike tow. kind of worried though because i havent been on a real bike in 15+ years lol
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    I have little hacks I use to beef up my fitness routine like holding a plank while playing blocks, doing squats while food warms up in the microwave and putting dumbbells at the bottom of the laundry basket. It's silly but it helps.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    Tabbycat00 wrote: »
    I have little hacks I use to beef up my fitness routine like holding a plank while playing blocks, doing squats while food warms up in the microwave and putting dumbbells at the bottom of the laundry basket. It's silly but it helps.

    oh wow not silly at all. I will have to steal a couple of those. If im cleaning the house and i have things that go to a different room i will take them there right way instead of gathering them all to do together because it gets me moving more
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    If you're going to purchase a bike trailer, keep in mind that kids outgrow those pretty quickly. Put the word out and see if anyone has one they don't need anymore.

    Also, remember that a workout doesn't have to be a structured, timed event. Given your lifestyle right now, just fit being more active into your day. Do you have a playground nearby? There are many exercises you can do using playground equipment and to do body weight exercises. Run or walk a lap around the park occasionally and get your kids to do it with you.

    Hang in there! Kids grow up quickly and you'll have to adapt your fitness routines with each stage of life (school schedules, activities, etc.).
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    If you're going to purchase a bike trailer, keep in mind that kids outgrow those pretty quickly. Put the word out and see if anyone has one they don't need anymore.

    Also, remember that a workout doesn't have to be a structured, timed event. Given your lifestyle right now, just fit being more active into your day. Do you have a playground nearby? There are many exercises you can do using playground equipment and to do body weight exercises. Run or walk a lap around the park occasionally and get your kids to do it with you.

    Hang in there! Kids grow up quickly and you'll have to adapt your fitness routines with each stage of life (school schedules, activities, etc.).

    Thank you that is great advice
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited July 2017
    mjtaylor87 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I mostly cycle. My kids are 5 & 7...I have a bike trailer and used to use it more, but they're too big to both go in it now, but I used to do that a lot.

    I typically just get up early before they're awake and go for a wife and I alternate mornings. She runs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I ride on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and usually rock climb on Sunday (we often do that as a family).

    that would be great but my husband doesnt get home from work till 30 mins before i have to be at work :( I think ill be getting the bike trailer

    The great thing about the bike trailer too is that it really gave my kids an appreciation for cycling and they're both avid riders now. We had a regular bike trailer and when they got a little bigger we upgraded to a weehoo...they come in single and double passenger...


    My oldest no longer rides in this (though he could) because he has a new bike with gearing, so we can pretty much go out and he can handle about a 10-12 mile ride on his own, but my youngest still rides in this when we do those. We all did a 1/2 century with this thing...

    The downside to all of these things is that they grow out of them fairly quickly, so if you can, I'd shop around for used.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    mjtaylor87 wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    My kids are 9, 7, and 3 and we do calisthenics every morning - pushups, situps, jumping jacks, planks, etc. for 20 mins. We hit the local playgrounds and just play, sometime doing pullup competitions, but the point is unstructured play.

    We have an Xbox with Kinect and a few workout programs which helps keep them active.

    I bought a 2 seat bike trailer years back, but the kids have outgrown it and I donated this to a teammate at work. Great fun and not that hard to tow.

    awesome i will be getting the bike tow. kind of worried though because i havent been on a real bike in 15+ years lol

    As others have said - shop used or check out local bike shops, ask around school, etc. I have a similar backpack baby hauler that was donated to us and we in turn are donating to the next generation.

    And kids - these are mobile weights. I deadlift, bend over row, overhand press all three.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    mjtaylor87 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I mostly cycle. My kids are 5 & 7...I have a bike trailer and used to use it more, but they're too big to both go in it now, but I used to do that a lot.

    I typically just get up early before they're awake and go for a wife and I alternate mornings. She runs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I ride on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and usually rock climb on Sunday (we often do that as a family).

    that would be great but my husband doesnt get home from work till 30 mins before i have to be at work :( I think ill be getting the bike trailer

    The great thing about the bike trailer too is that it really gave my kids an appreciation for cycling and they're both avid riders now. We had a regular bike trailer and when they got a little bigger we upgraded to a weehoo...they come in single and double passenger...


    My oldest no longer rides in this (though he could) because he has a new bike with gearing, so we can pretty much go out and he can handle about a 10-12 mile ride on his own, but my youngest still rides in this when we do those. We all did a 1/2 century with this thing...

    The downside to all of these things is that they grow out of them fairly quickly, so if you can, I'd shop around for used.

    oh my gosh this is awesome!!! i want to find one like this. see i am worried about the growing out quick because they are 2 and 4 now so the 4 year old maybe out of it sooner rather than later

    but at least with the other style it could work for any future babies or pets too. but this one just looks cool.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    edited July 2017
    You need a running stroller for two and long walks.
    I walked everywhere I could. Always, when I went to the store.
    Pushing the extra weight made it even better exercise.
    The other major thing I did involved picking my wife up from work. We just had one car, so I needed to pick her up. But I might have done it anyway, for this: When we got to her office, I would get out of the car. She'd drive home and i'd run. We lived about four miles from her work so, with traffic, I was not that far behind her in getting home.
    It was an excellent way of getting my exercise in that was not too disruptive of everything else.
    If your SO's work is too far away you could drive halfway back, then get out.
    Good luck
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    mjtaylor87 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    mjtaylor87 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I mostly cycle. My kids are 5 & 7...I have a bike trailer and used to use it more, but they're too big to both go in it now, but I used to do that a lot.

    I typically just get up early before they're awake and go for a wife and I alternate mornings. She runs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I ride on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and usually rock climb on Sunday (we often do that as a family).

    that would be great but my husband doesnt get home from work till 30 mins before i have to be at work :( I think ill be getting the bike trailer

    The great thing about the bike trailer too is that it really gave my kids an appreciation for cycling and they're both avid riders now. We had a regular bike trailer and when they got a little bigger we upgraded to a weehoo...they come in single and double passenger...


    My oldest no longer rides in this (though he could) because he has a new bike with gearing, so we can pretty much go out and he can handle about a 10-12 mile ride on his own, but my youngest still rides in this when we do those. We all did a 1/2 century with this thing...

    The downside to all of these things is that they grow out of them fairly quickly, so if you can, I'd shop around for used.

    oh my gosh this is awesome!!! i want to find one like this. see i am worried about the growing out quick because they are 2 and 4 now so the 4 year old maybe out of it sooner rather than later

    but at least with the other style it could work for any future babies or pets too. but this one just looks cool.

    They'll be able to use something like this longer than they will a trailer. I'm doing a 1/2 century in September and both of my boys will be joining me on the Weehoo.

    I like this design better than more traditional pedal trailer setups because it's a recumbent and if they get tired they can nod off and sleep without worrying about falling off a seat.
  • The_Weaze
    The_Weaze Posts: 511 Member
    If after they go to bed is really the only time you feel you can do it then just get it done. It will eventually become a habit. I either work out at 5am or 8pm...both suck but it has to get done.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    GiddyupTim wrote: »
    You need a running stroller for two and long walks.
    I walked everywhere I could. Always, when I went to the store.
    Pushing the extra weight made it even better exercise.
    The other major thing I did involved picking my wife up from work. We just had one car, so I needed to pick her up. But I might have done it anyway, for this: When we got to her office, I would get out of the car. She'd drive home and i'd run. We lived about four miles from her work so, with traffic, I was not that far behind her in getting home.
    It was an excellent way of getting my exercise in that was not too disruptive of everything else.
    If your SO's work is too far away you could drive halfway back, then get out.
    Good luck

    that is a great idea. a jogging stroller would be nice but i would really only have the money for one thing right now and i think im going to go with the bike trailer
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    oh i ment the covered one like this. so they could go to sleep if they wanted too. i wanted to get the ones that are like a little bike that he can ride on but i worried about him falling off and then i couldnt take both of them with me and that would defeat the purpose of it all lol
