New to MFP

Alrighty I have been reading some of the discussions and I feel I need to introduce myself now...

I am ready to get healthy! I am a mother of 2 (11 and 15) and I have been married going on 10 years! This time last year I was on a mission to lose weight and I was doing ok...went down about 15 pounds then suddenly I went from on the right track to whoa I have gained almost 40 pounds! I am 5'10" and weigh 341. I want to lose a total of 142 pounds(I want to get below 200)...I feel I need to set small goals of get down to 275 then 250 etc I will succeed better then telling myself I have 142 pound to loose! That is intimidation and overwhelming!

Working out is a challenge for me. 14 years ago I was involved in a bad wreck that was horrible! Both legs were broken (right ankle has a plate and screws and left femur has a rod) and my left arm has 2 plates in it. After a few days of working out I have severe pain that is so bad that it is hard to walk around. I am trying to get to the gym daily...not doing weights yet...staying on the treadmill and bike (30 minutes each) right now. Last month I joined the local rec center went a few times last month. Then on the 27th I had surgery so I had to take time off...I made it back this past weekend and I am pumped to stay focused! I pray that MFP will help me stay focused and encourage me to stay on the track of getting health and pain free! Oh my gosh can't wait to be pain free...I have had daily pain for 14 years I am tired of the pain! :smiley: