Down 20 pounds and stuck.

Started at 178 pounds and four month later at 158lbs. I have stayed at this weight for a couple of weeks now. Do I really have to eat less and/or exercise more? Goal is 155lbs/10-12% ND


  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Your question is a bit confusing, is it a whinge? A couple weeks isn't very long at a single weight but you probably are at maintenance levels of food and exercise.
  • Jtarr311
    Jtarr311 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the response Theo.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    You're three pounds from your goal weight - is it possible that you've entered your maintenance range? Have you measured your BF% since being stuck at 158?
  • Jtarr311
    Jtarr311 Posts: 7 Member
    Based on my scale which I know may not be accurate it is 13.1%
  • Jtarr311
    Jtarr311 Posts: 7 Member
    And yes ma'am that it what I'm thinking.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    Give it some more time; like Theo said, a couple of weeks isn't that long not to see a scale move. As you settle into maintenance range loss is going to be very slow, anyway, so you may only be losing .5# a week if any, and you may already be in maintenance range. Just be patient, keep doing what you've been doing and give it another couple of weeks to see if there's any difference. After that, you may have to adjust slightly if you feel that you want to lose the last 3 or so.
  • Nombulelo_J
    Nombulelo_J Posts: 2 Member
    Also try varying/changing your exercises or workout routine.
  • Jtarr311
    Jtarr311 Posts: 7 Member
    Funny thing I woke up at 156.6. 12.8% body fat.