Fitbit & MFP - which one should I use? need help

Hello there,

I almost have 1 month since I use MFP and I've lost some weight, as this is my goal. 1200 calories and some extra calories from exercise - I used the app Bike Road for tracking time, distance, etc and always had my phone with me for steps. Also negative calorie adjustment is enabled.
Yesterday I bought FitBit Charge 2 and now I find myself a lil'bit confused. I set my goal on FitBit to loose 1 kg/ week ( the same as MFP ) and as I wear the bracelet constantly I am more aware of the total calories that are burned in a day.
The idea is that I synced my FitBit with MFP and now i have more calories in MFP as exercises( from Steps) than before. I don't know if i should eat them( extra calories), but if i do i will gain weight? Or i should keep my FitBit app for accurate reference regarding the calories and just use MFP for food logging? My activity level in MFP app is lightly active as I go biking 3-4 times a weak ( maybe more), at least 1 h/ 10-16 km ride.
How you guys manage these things?
Also in fitbit app appears that i have X calories "left for the day" but when i eat some of them it appear that i am over the calories goal( some pink colour). i really dont get it.
Could you please explain to me if you had similar 'problem' ?


  • YOLO145
    YOLO145 Posts: 98 Member
    I let MFP determine my calories, I use my FitBit Charge 2 for steps, HR, and most importantly motivation. I adjusted the stride length and I've never had wacky crazy exercise calories even with MFP and FB being synced. I'm down 20lbs since I started, so something's working. I recommend do the FitBit challenges, they're fun in a get slightly (obsessively) competitive for a brief period of time :smiley:
  • georgiabala
    georgiabala Posts: 16 Member
    @YOLO145 thank you for your reply and one quick question. In MFP ehat is your activity level?i set it as "lightly active" and it gives me 167 calories for 4185 steps rather then sedentary which is @ 200 and smth maybe 300 calories.
  • YOLO145
    YOLO145 Posts: 98 Member
    @georgiabala I have it set to sedentary because all things being equal it's the most accurate answer. You will get fewer exercise calories the more active you say you are on a daily basis.
  • georgiabala
    georgiabala Posts: 16 Member
    @YOLO145 i understand. And you had Any problems with your Fitbit? Today i took a bike ride 13,8km and my Fitbit app did not record much. I started the Fitbit bracelet for bike, i paused once and after i continued my ride. When i got home i Noticed this : (i will Upload a picture) k8oquds7ts6j.png
  • Claudializeth17
    Claudializeth17 Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2017
    [Hey, So what I do is use MFP for my calorie count and macros. Love the food diary so much easier than Fit bit. I wear my for bit so that I can track my calories burned and steps. I find it that towards the end of the day fit bit will give you more calories even when it will say your over calories. What is your calorie deficit on Fit bit? So I suggest just to focus on MFP for calories. Good luck !
  • georgiabala
    georgiabala Posts: 16 Member
    @Claudializeth17 Hey there and thank you for your time. My calorie deficit is -500cal, for losing 1kg/Week. I have the same thing on MFP.
  • georgiabala
    georgiabala Posts: 16 Member
    @YOLO145 thank you very much. These things are new to me and it's Nice when someone is Nice and helps you!