Cannot lose weight

I have had 4 babies and I am now 40. After each of my 1st 3 children I did weight watchers with great success. I had my 4th baby at 38. Weight watchers didn't work at all. So I have tried doing it this way which isn't working either. I am faithful to my calories but not sure if things are calibrated the right way for me. Help!!!!


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    910sam wrote: »
    I have had 4 babies and I am now 40. After each of my 1st 3 children I did weight watchers with great success. I had my 4th baby at 38. Weight watchers didn't work at all. So I have tried doing it this way which isn't working either. I am faithful to my calories but not sure if things are calibrated the right way for me. Help!!!!

    If you are not losing weight over the long run then you are consuming more calories per day then you are burning. How many calories is your goal set to? How active are you? What is your height and weight? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you weighing your food on a food scale or estimating portion sizes/using cups and spoons for solids? All these things play a huge role so provide us with a bit more info.
  • mattdavidhay
    mattdavidhay Posts: 10 Member
    Re-calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) using . Eat whatever you like below that but I recommend 500 calories so you are able to lose a pound a week. This guarantees weight loss whoever you are. Get a food scale, it makes weight loss significantly easier to manage. Count your calories religiously so that you know exactly how much you're eating.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    910sam wrote: »
    I have had 4 babies and I am now 40. After each of my 1st 3 children I did weight watchers with great success. I had my 4th baby at 38. Weight watchers didn't work at all. So I have tried doing it this way which isn't working either. I am faithful to my calories but not sure if things are calibrated the right way for me. Help!!!!

    I had my fourth at 37. Lost from 213 to 153 at 44 years old. I am going through some stressful family stuff right now and have gained back to 171 as if this morning so I am back at trying to get back down to 160.

    Weigh everything you eat.. Record everything you eat. Walk with the kids if you can't do anything else to exercise. (Or play tag with them at the playground.) Drink more water. Give it 30 days and see what happens.

    If nine if that works, see your doctor. There are some treatable problems like PCOS and thyroid issues that can affect your ability to lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    Get a food scale. Don't eat the kids leftover grilled cheese unless you log it first.
  • pmoloney1
    pmoloney1 Posts: 5 Member
    Idk if this is too personal or not but have you gotten your period back yet? My 2nd baby will be 2 months tomorrow and I haven't gotten a pp period yet even after I stopped nursing. I think it's my hormones holding onto weight. With my first I went back down to pre pregnancy weight within 12 weeks and it was almost too easy so I'm mentally struggling this time around.