Friends for accountability and motivation!

Hello all ! Completely new to forums and discussion groups but I think they hold a lot of value when it comes to support and encouragement .. so here goes nothing !
Started getting a little more serious about fitness when I surprisingly find out I was pregnant and found out how much I weighed . I am 5'0 and 28 years old . The year prior to getting pregnant my eating was erratic and somewhat unhealthy . While I enjoy healthy foods , I was lazy about preparing and consistently exercising . I found myself at 188lbs and knew I was only going to gain from that point . 9 months later I delivered a healthy baby boy at 216lbs . 12 days later all the baby weight gain was gone and I was back at 188. My son is now a year old and I am down to 157 and have been trying to be healthier version of me. Goal weight 130 :) The big picture goal is not so much the number but more daily exercise and healthy eating ! Looking for fiends that have similar goals