5"9 74kg female wanting motivation! I like a drink and junk food but am trying so hard to lose

Hi All,

I'm looking for help and motivation. I'm currently exercising 5 times a week: a mixture of classes and weights. I'm moving towards a protein heavy diet - much to my guts' unhappiness - and the scales are not reflecting any progress. I've taken to measuring myself and I can see inches have gone so I am making somw progress albeit slow progress. I'd like to see my muscles! How do I shed the fat!? I need some encouragement and some meal ideas and recommendations.

Any help would be appreciated :)


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Are you logging your food? How are you measuring? If you want to lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit.
  • wimdroid
    wimdroid Posts: 56 Member
    Are you logging to the crumb?
    Also if you like a drink, try to figure out how much they contain. I'd die before denying myself a drink but I do log them and know exactly the caloric value. And be precisen, the caloric range of for example beers is broad. I now drink more wine because it is typically less calories.
    Moderation and variation ofcourse is a good way to go
  • ramshackles
    ramshackles Posts: 85 Member
    logging better now and seeing results - thank you :)
  • chrissymoore06
    chrissymoore06 Posts: 123 Member
    Your doing great and even though progress is slow its still progress. Try some meditation and positive self talks infront of the mirror. Remind yourself that you are in control and can do anything you put your mind too. Staying supportive to yourself is so important. If you keep positive you get positive results. Learn to focus on the features you love about yourself and not on the weight or the scale numbers.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    5'9 here too.
    I got to 12% body fat back in 2013 - see profile photo. I basically just picked up the weights one day after a period of binge eating and having gained weight. I had nothing to lose. I upped my protein and started intermittent fasting of the 16/8 variety which made it easier for me to keep my diet reasonable. I did cardio and weights as well as a lot of boxing fitness which obviously worked somehow. I mean for me it was more a natural direction to take. I didn't plan it as such. I was 140 Ibs at the time. I had started at around 140 too but was around 20% bodyfat in the beginning. It took me around 5 months. I never did a planned bill and cut or anything like that. Now I am trying to get back into the right mental state of mind to get my fitness back as I have had three years with no real exercise beyond walking and a few months back at the gym.
  • ramshackles
    ramshackles Posts: 85 Member
    Great help x