Need help finding my activity level or calorie estimate

Hello, so basically im what you call a "sedentary athlete" because i sit for most of the day until i leave the house to go to the gym. I am trying to cut a little more body fat but have a hard time getting a calorie estimate because i dont know my activity level to put into the tdee calculators. I workout 10 strenuous hours a week. Where would i be between Lightly active and extremely active? Any calorie maintenance estimates?

Weight: 155
Age: 19

Monday-1 hour boxing/1 hour strength circuit
Tuesday-1hour kickboxing cardio/1 hour muay thai
Wednesday-1 hour boxing/1 hour strength circuit
Thursday-1hour kickboxing cardio/1 hour muay thai
Friday-1 hour boxing/1 hour strength circuit


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Follow the guidance on the TDEE calculator you are using because this place isn't a TDEE calculator and doesn't include exercise in your activity setting.

    It's just a start point from which you can make adjustments based on results after a few weeks.