beginning to hate Fridays...

194Days Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I try to weigh in once a week so I don't obsess too much.... but it's making me dread Friday! Especially this week when I have been exhausted from work (so sleeping in, instead of getting up to work out). I feel like every day is a "bad" day... I start out great but then end up sabotaging myself! And this week, I have the 5 extra pounds to prove it :(

thanks for letting me vent... I need to find the will power I know I have somewhere!


  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    This is what i tell myself when i don't want to exercise.........

    Oh no, Oh no, it is off to the gym I go. That is what my mind is telling me. My big ol' body is saying, Hell no Hell no, stay home and watch the show. But I'm listening to to my mind so it is off to the gym I go. LOL

    Good luck:happy:
  • Sometimes I feel less than motivated myself...

    One thing to remember if your goal is simple weight-loss is, so long as you stay below whatever your set amount of calories is then you'll still lose weight. If your goal is more fitness oriented, maybe it's time to change up your routine, or just throw in a couple different activities instead of the usual. For instance, I run and bike a lot, but every once in a while I'll load up the ruck sack and go out for a 4 mile hike lugging around a 40 lbs sandbag. Maybe some extended circuit training.

    Making it different and varied keeps it interesting.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I've been dragging butt trying to get up to exercise this week. I've made it but my workouts have been less than inspired. I just keep trying to think of what I'll feel like int 3 months or how my clothes will fit in three months. After I get started I'm ok but it's putting one foot on the floor and then the other one to go workout. Keep plugging are so worth it.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    This was not a good week for me either coming off a holiday spent at the beach. And then to come home and have to do all the laundry and putting stuff away and being tired from staying up late but getting up early because of the kids. I just figure I will get back to it today. Even though today is Friday and the weekend is here, I am starting today getting back on track. If I hold off until Monday it will only make it worse. I figure even when I get to my goal weight there are going to be times when I just don't feel like it and gain a few pounds so just jump back on board and get started. Can't be perfect or else I'd go CRAZY! You know what you need to do so just start with today! Good luck!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I try to weigh in once a week so I don't obsess too much.... but it's making me dread Friday! Especially this week when I have been exhausted from work (so sleeping in, instead of getting up to work out). I feel like every day is a "bad" day... I start out great but then end up sabotaging myself! And this week, I have the 5 extra pounds to prove it :(

    thanks for letting me vent... I need to find the will power I know I have somewhere!

    i commute to work by bike and there are many (many) days where i don't really feel like it, but i swear it (it's really weird) that i'm always glad i got on and rode after i started. i may start out grumbling but by the time i get to work i'm always feeling better.

    especially on days where i'm supposed to have my period or some other womanly bs. those days are the worst, and when it's hot? omg, i want nothing more than to just lay in bed. but in the end, it's always worth it.

    don't focus so much on the numbers in the end, gauge your progress by how you feel. scales can be wary judges; according to my scale i'm up a half pound in the last week, but i don't eat that much and i exercise almost every day. i feel good for the most part (i think i'm retaining some water.. gonna have my girl time) so i don't worry about it.

    it's easy to feel defeated, but that's just old habits creeping in on your subconscious. just keep at it and don't worry so much.
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