In your twenties??

When I was in high school I used mfp and lost 20+ pounds but since university I've been slowly gaining it back. Working hard to feel better about myself & be stronger/healthier than before! I had a great friend group on here before but lost everyone when I deleted it years back. Looking for some other motivated people so we can keep each other on track! Feel free to add me :)


  • hannahnew625
    hannahnew625 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I am 19. I just recently came back to MFP too. I am vegan and I count my macros. I try to get in that protein; I think I am going to start a recomp. I currently go to the gym everyday, trying to lift weights. Add me (:
  • liligant
    liligant Posts: 11 Member
    I gained about forty pounds when I transferred schools. My old friend group was a bad influence and got annoyed with me when I tried to exercise and eat right, but I really only have myself to blame lol. I lost almost twenty pounds since this winter, and I'm trying really hard to be successful in my weightloss journey. You can add me as well.
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 289 Member
    26 here, trying to stay motivated and knock this 50 pounds off.
  • Chelseatheturtle
    Chelseatheturtle Posts: 25 Member
    Howdy! I'm 27. I recently came back to MFP after on and off use for a while. Using it was such a process that I did not want to mess with. But I have been stuck in the 250s for two years now and need to lose the weight.

    I have been doing well for over a week now and have seen some promising results so far. I have also been on a no sweet treat "diet" for over two weeks now. I pair this up with my fitbit. I do my best to workout almost everyday, but 5 days a week is my goal.
  • Prettyhaitian0218
    Prettyhaitian0218 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey y'all I'm 25 and I've lost 60 lbs while I was living in Tennessee but I gain it right back when I went back him to Miami. I'm trying to lose what I gain plus more. Feel free to add me
  • xoxoniesha
    xoxoniesha Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! Kudos to you guys who have lost weight and good luck to those of you who are beginning your fitness journey!!

    I am 21 and just trying to get in shape and lose a little extra weight so I can have a healthy heart. I am a vegan now and am trying to learn how to count macros. Feel free to add me, as well!
  • babychris1
    babychris1 Posts: 159 Member
    Vegan lifter here too