
Hi. This is my first time ever posting on a blog and also my first time ever enjoying weight loss!!!! I love MFP!!! I started with the iphone app and it has grown from there. Its cool being able to update my food intake and exercise after every event - if I had to write it down at the end of the day then I would never bother and "forget" what I had eaten!!!

So here's hoping that I can lose 10kg in the next 6 weeks - just in time for my graduation!!! And maybe I can even make some new friends on the way.


  • MikeRay
    MikeRay Posts: 47
    Welcome to the site. We are here to assist you, and give you support to make sure you meet your goal in the next 6 weeks.
    Good luck
  • patelt
    patelt Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, Good luck with the weight loss, don't focus solely on your weight, if you exercise then you will lose inches as well and don't forget mucle weighs heavier then fat.

    good luck again and keep us posted