How do you remind yourself of water intake?

nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
I find that some days I struggle with my water intake, and would like some tips and tricks on how other people remind themselves! Please note that this is not a post about how much water one should drink in a day (which is individual based on weight, activity level and weather) but more about how to remind myself to drink during the day - and not leave me feeling thirsty during the evening, at which point I want to stop drinking (much) so that I will sleep easier.


  • jlscherme
    jlscherme Posts: 157 Member
  • shilpaca
    shilpaca Posts: 22 Member
    I carry a 1l bottle of water with me all the time and keep it in front of my eyes at work to remind me. I take a swigg every 30 mins so I finish it by lunch time and then refill again to finish by tea time. So I have a few more hrs for the final litre as I aim for 3l a day.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    I've set a timer on my phone to remind me every hour
    Sometimes I fill a large container (40 oz) with water and carry it with me
    I'm trying to get into the habit lately of having a glass before, during and after every meal
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    This routine makes it easy for me to get in 7 cups every day (it used to be 8 when I had four meals, but that's no big deal):

    2 cups - while I use the bathroom in the morning,
    3 cups - one cup before each meal,
    2 cups - one cup before I brush my teeth.

    This is the year-round minimum. In the summer, or if I'm more active than usual, or get in more sugar or salt, or just thirsty for whatever reason, I drink more.
  • LifeIs420
    LifeIs420 Posts: 150 Member
    keep the water bottle next too me so you see it
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty or during a meal
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    I have a 600ml glass on my desk at work and make sure it never stays empty. Where I sit is the last desk on the way to the water machine and my team have now got used to just picking my glass, up if it looks empty, (if I don't ask) as they pass. At home it is a nightmare. I do not drink water at home but prefer (uh-oh) fizzy drinks. I drink a minimum 2ltrs of diet/zero fizzy every day while at home. Not sure why the big difference.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    I like to drink 3-4 liters of water a day, so I have a 1 liter water bottle with me at all time, and I take a gulp about every 10 minutes, sometimes more. The majority of those 3-4 liters I drink in the morning to early afternoon. My last liter is drank between 3-9 pm, so I'm not running to the bathroom all night long.
  • ejohnson2478
    ejohnson2478 Posts: 7 Member
    I had carried around a regular sized 25 oz water bottle literally attached at the hip to help remind myself. I did this so often that my family started commenting on how much water I drank--that reputation was enough for me to never want to quit lol
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    My watch beeps me every set number of hours until I reach my goal. I have a 24oz cup with lid and straw that is always with me. I try to minimum three of those a day, but I don't drink much else except for my coffee in the morning. If you do a lot of club soda or the like I'd count that too.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks for all the input! I think setting reminders is a good idea, until I get more used to it as a habit. I do enjoy drinking water (the only other things I drink are tea and some milk) I just end up forgetting about it!

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    There are phone apps that you can input your daily water goal, and your phone will ping all throughout the day to remind you to drink and high five you when you've hit your goal.

    I had the app years ago, but deleted it after a few days because it was seriously getting on my nerves lol
  • jessica43062
    jessica43062 Posts: 12 Member
    I use a quart mason jar, which are weirdly trendy right now but also practical since its glass instead of plastic and has ounces listed right on the side. Also handy because it's a large quantity so it sits empty less often, but it's not big enough to be awkward.

    Also agree with the alarms. I work in an office so I have one (low key vibrate only) set for every hour. It reminds me to fill my water, and to get up and move around. I don't jump to it every time it goes off, but it at least snaps me out of my "stare at computer for 3 hours without moving a muscle" daze.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Pre-fill bottles with the amount you aim to drink a day and bring them with you to work or set them on the counter if you work from home, just make sure they have the goal amount and that they are visible so that you know how much you have left to go and are reminded when you see them etc. if you like your water cold fill them with ice cubes/freeze a couple the night before and wrap in a towel (for condensation control).
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I live in Vegas and the temperature today is about 106. At work I have a 75 oz water bottle and I fill it up every day at least once. Not because I am forcing myself. I actually crave water. When I feel I do not want anymore I stop.
  • neithomp
    neithomp Posts: 19 Member
    I bought a 1.5L water bottle with a straw and I drink about 2 a day easily. The straw makes it easier (at least that's what people say) to drink water.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This is pretty much with me wherever I go...


    I live in the desert at over a mile high in elevation and I'm pretty active...a water bottle is pretty much a necessity. I go through several of these daily.
  • CoueCoue
    CoueCoue Posts: 69 Member
    Check out the free app called "hydro". It prompts you to drink...and the little splashy circle that fills with water as you record your intake is satisfying and kinda fun. :)
  • gojana2
    gojana2 Posts: 1 Member
    I use app "water drink reminder"