Anyone with more than 100 pounds to lose?

I'm looking for friends and support. In particular, I'd like to hear from other people with 100 pounds or more to lose who would like to connect. But any support is welcome! Thanks! :smile:


  • ILivSD
    ILivSD Posts: 11 Member
    I am there with ya, please add me as I would love to share information on what helps and works vs. What does NOT.
    PISTASZCZUK Posts: 20 Member
    Add me I have 100lbs to lose any help is not to be refused! We can get there together!
    Love that saying above we're going to be on this walk and road a while!
  • jmsass83
    jmsass83 Posts: 8 Member
    Would love to add you all, but not sure how to do it. Help! lol
  • siyana1985
    siyana1985 Posts: 25 Member
    i'm look to lose 100-120 to start (started 265 looking to be in a 140-160 range) still have a bit to go so i'll gladly be there to help with motivation and substitutes and support :)
  • jmsass83
    jmsass83 Posts: 8 Member
    I figured it out and have added you!
  • duebedm
    duebedm Posts: 127 Member
    You can add me as well! You can't have too many friends!!
  • Thecandissimo
    Thecandissimo Posts: 1 Member
    140 pounds that need to be gone for me. Please feel free to add me.
  • EmIsabel90
    EmIsabel90 Posts: 11 Member
    Just joined and could use more buddies on here!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    I'm already down 104ish, with a few stubborn ones left. It's do-able. Feel free to add.
  • es6453
    es6453 Posts: 2 Member
    I have about 96 lbs to go - feel free to add as well
  • fearlessfrancesca
    fearlessfrancesca Posts: 1 Member
    I'm only down 3 lbs but goal is to lose 100...feel free to add me :)
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I've lost 96 and have 100 to go
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I started with 124 to lose eight months ago. I've now got 55.2 left to go. Add me if you like.
  • MsIrvine
    MsIrvine Posts: 3 Member
    I need to loose about 120 pounds and I feel like I have trying forever! I lost 40 pounds a year ago and I gained it all back SO..I am starting over. So far I am down 12 pounds (just gained 2 pounds) but I am determined.
  • tytuione77
    tytuione77 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm down 45 from 530 to 485. I have well over 100 to lose. So yeah, I feel ya.
  • gina1971
    gina1971 Posts: 71 Member
    Count me in! The more motivation, the better.
  • jensaylor04
    jensaylor04 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I have over 200 lbs to loose. I started at 381 lbs - I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that number. I'm currently down 21 lbs and have decided to have bariatric surgery this fall. I was completely against having surgery for a long time. But this past year has been rough for me. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep apnea. It was so bad I couldn't even walk to the sink to wash the dishes without getting winded. But in March I started taking the dog to the park. At first all I could do was walk down to the lake (about 1/4 of a mile) and then sit down while he played. Slowly I built up a tolerance and now we do a mile at least 3 times a week. Its weird, I actually have energy to clean now. The other day I woke up at 7am and started cleaning the kitchen - I mean I took stuff out of the pantry and cabinets and really did a deep clean. I can't remember the last time I had enough energy to do that. Anyway, after doing some research I learned that having the surgery can actually reverse your hormones and cure diabetes. So, I've decided to do it. My A1c dropped an entire point just through diet and exercise and my endocrinologist said that I'm doing so well I can stop taking my medication as soon as I have the surgery. I don't have my surgery scheduled yet, but it will most likely be in September. I'm hoping to loose another 20-30 pounds by then. I know that sounds like a lot but there is a special 2 week liver shrink diet that I have to go on just before the surgery - it helps shrink your liver to make the surgery easier on the surgeon. Its super strict and most people loose about 20 pounds on that diet. So if I can loose another 10-15 lbs before I have to go on that diet then I'll be happy.