So embarrassed of myself

1week I gained 10lbs. I feel nasty. Was on vacation and ate most meals out and drank too. I wish I didn't do this to myself. Yes, I'm back writing my food all down. I'm def not writing in my weight though. How can someone gain so fast. Disgusted with myself. Guess I'm looking for motivation.


  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'll bet most of that gain is probably water weight. You probably ate a lot of sodium and crap which would cause water retention and bloat you out. You may have gained a pound or two of fat if you went really wild, but since it was only a week, you couldn't have done too much damage. Most of the excess fluid should drop off fairly quickly once you get back to your normal routine. Just don't make a habit of your vacation excesses and you should be fine... B)
  • MysticGoalie
    MysticGoalie Posts: 328 Member
    Did you ate until stuffed at every meal? If knowing chosen healthier nutritient rich natural foods mostly, eating until pleasantly full but not stuffed.. should be impossible to overeat as keeping satisfied for longer to.

    Have you been to the little room daily? If temporary constipated, (food remnants left inside your precious body), this can add up to a few pounds of weighing 'more' on the scale. Which come off again quickly when nature calls to use the little room..

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    shhcher wrote: »
    1week I gained 10lbs. I feel nasty. Was on vacation and ate most meals out and drank too. I wish I didn't do this to myself. Yes, I'm back writing my food all down. I'm def not writing in my weight though. How can someone gain so fast. Disgusted with myself. Guess I'm looking for motivation.

    I hope you had a nice holiday. It will mostly be water weight, just get back to your deficit and you'll be fine
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...Have you been to the little room daily? If temporary constipated, (food remnants left inside your precious body), this can add up to a few pounds of weighing 'more' on the scale. Which come off again quickly when nature calls to use the little room..

    This is also a good point. Eating a lot of junk your body isn't used to can lead to constipation, which might add a little extra to the scale as well.

    I like the term "the little room." It's so cute. ;)
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Don't let the memory of what I am sure was a lovely holiday be ruined with "I wish I hadn't eaten so much", that would be such a shame! What's done is done and hopefully you enjoyed all that yummy food. It was just a week, it is very unlikely you have put on 10lbs of fat, as others have said, it is most likely just fluid retention from sodium rich foods and just food weight still in your body. It's not worth stressing about, get back on track, drink lots of water to flush out the sodium and you'll be surprised how quickly that weight will disappear. Today's a new day!
  • shhcher
    shhcher Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, I had an AMAZING TIME! I do just hope it's mostly water. Unfortunately, I weigh myself everyday but log it weekly. So to see a big number ticks me off. I lose the same weight over and over for years, frustrating to say the least. Thanks everyone!! I know I came to the right place for advice!
  • That_Country_Girl82
    That_Country_Girl82 Posts: 122 Member
    My vacation is coming up next week and I worry and don't want to eat badly . It is really hard being around all your family and friends and everyone is eating out and drinking. Need motivation through it. I have anxiety from not being happy with myself. :'(
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Don't be silly. The vast majority of that is water weight. You didn't eat 35,000 calories in surplus.

    You had fun and de-stressed. Hopefully ate some amazing food and had some great times.

    Your water balance is highly regulated by salt and hormonal shifts. Your body reacts to these shifts by holding onto water to defend against change. This will regulate itself out in ~5-7 days. Just stay hydrated and keep on doing what you're doing.
  • mcafton
    mcafton Posts: 190 Member
    shhcher wrote: »
    1week I gained 10lbs. I feel nasty. Was on vacation and ate most meals out and drank too. I wish I didn't do this to myself. Yes, I'm back writing my food all down. I'm def not writing in my weight though. How can someone gain so fast. Disgusted with myself. Guess I'm looking for motivation.

    I have wondered the same thing when u cheat and fain quickly what took me a long time to lose. Don't weigh yourself too often. Once a week is fine. I was down to 218, then up to 226 over a weekend. But it had leveled back off to like 222 within a week. it could be water weight from sodium. Just stay focused and you'll get back on track.
  • neekonico
    neekonico Posts: 18 Member
    I was given the tip not to weigh yourself for a week or two after vacation. Just go back to your eating regime and give your body time to readjust.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Shake it off. You have the tools to take care of this. Hope you had a great time on your vacation!
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    Sodium packed foods and sugary alcohol will cause retention. I'm sure you didn't gain 10lbs. I've seen my weight fluctuate as much as 6lbs in a day off yard work and once saw an 11lb change after a 7 period hockey game. Drink plenty of water and make the right food choices and I'm sure that 10 will start to drop back down in 2-3 days