Insanity need advice

Sipah Posts: 31 Member
So I started the first video of insanity and did 21 minutes before my body couldn't do anymore. I tried to do more but I just couldn't do it, i could do one exercise and then my body gave way.

So should I do the second day video or should I continue with video for day 1 till i finish it?


  • yoster28
    yoster28 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello there! I just received my insanity yesterday but it came with a disk called SANITY CHECK it is a 26 min work out which I believe are the basic forms. It is killing me just do complete also. I am repeating it for a total week as it suggest before getting into the first fit test. I am new to this as are you so I would recommend to attempt it again before moving on just because it was your first day getting started. I hope all goes well with your challenge as I will begin my fit test on Aug 2~ Wishing you luck!
  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member
    I would say stick with the program. Your resistance will grow as time goes by, not to worry. It always happens this way. You'll be amazed of what few days of training will do. Just be mindful to what your body tells you and you'll be fine.
    Do what you can and don't compare with the recording (with what the group does).
  • jurgenka
    jurgenka Posts: 1
    I agree with sticking with it. When I first started the program, I was in horrible shape and I could only get through the first 20-30 minutes the first week, but i still stuck with the program. The 2nd weeks was like night and day. I could perform the full workout and could really feel my endurance growing.
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    Stick with it! If you need to modify the moves to better suit your fitness level, do so. Also take a short break every now and again. Just don't quit! You got Insanity because you wanted change. The only way you're gonna get it is to work harder than you think you're capable of doing. I'm on Day 7 and I'm feeling pretty accomplished :-) Good Luck!!!
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    I agree with the advice to stick with it! I am at the end of week 4 today and still takes breaks. Go at your own pace and modify when you need to. Stick with the program and schedule. You may not feel like you are doing better, but believe me, when you do the 2nd fit test you will be amazed!!!! Keep at it!
  • itsallmebaby
    itsallmebaby Posts: 15 Member
    I say stick with it but be sure you are doing the exercises correctly. Like he says in the videos if you compromise your form then take a short break. Also you can modify the moves until you are strong enough to do the full exercise. Like ladies push ups instead of the full on high plank push ups. Also, make sure you are watching your heart rate during these videos. Hang in there, I'm right there with you. I'm at the end of week three :}
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Stick with it. I started my first round of Insanity at 283 lbs.

    Did it hurt? Yes

    Did it suck? Uh huh.

    Did I want to quit? You betcha.

    Did I? Nope

    The nutrition is key to recovery. Stick to the macro, stay atop your protein. Youll make it.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    It's called Insanity for a good reason!

    Just stick with it, do what you can at the pace you can. Modify the moves if you have to, but always challenge yourself to go longer/harder/deeper. Remember: if it doesn't push you, it doesn't change you.

    Having said that, I have redone a workout or two if I decided I just wasn't putting out the effort I should be. I've also backed up the video a few times if I decided I had rested too long. Keep at it!
  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    No one actually answered her question. Should she re-do today's or move one? I don't know because I don't have the videos..but just wanted to help out OP.:smooched:
  • itsallmebaby
    itsallmebaby Posts: 15 Member
    No one actually answered her question. Should she re-do today's or move one? I don't know because I don't have the videos..but just wanted to help out OP.:smooched:

    You're right, no one outright answered the question. I would move forward with the workout. You will get a chance to re-do today's workout more than a few times in the coming weeks they kind of rotate. So don't worry, you will get plenty of time to really get to know each video workout :)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Go ahead and move on to the next day. I'm on the last week and although I can get through the entire videos, I still have to stop and take a breather every now and then. These workouts are intense. Even the pros in the videos have to stop and take a quick rest from time to time. If you get tired, stop and catch your breath, then jump back in. Make sure that you don't get so tired you lose form. Your endurance will get better. Good luck.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    No one actually answered her question. Should she re-do today's or move one? I don't know because I don't have the videos..but just wanted to help out OP.:smooched:

    You're right, no one outright answered the question. I would move forward with the workout. You will get a chance to re-do today's workout more than a few times in the coming weeks they kind of rotate. So don't worry, you will get plenty of time to really get to know each video workout :)

    I disagree. The question was answered in every post.

    yoster said repeat the workout
    onandoff said stick with the program as scheduled (meaning move on to the next workout)
    jurgenka, rachelwarner3, establishedn1, itsallmebaby, jjordon, and myself all agreed to stick with it as scheduled

    Somewhere along the lines "stick with it" probably sounded more like "don't quit" advice rather than "stay on schedule", but in it's original context it directly answered OPs question, and several people agreed with the advice.

    If you research this issue on the net most people (including Shawn T) will tell you not to repeat or rewind or pause the workouts. Rather, let them run and struggle to keep up. This tends to be a bigger challenge than the alternative, which tends to make the videos a little bit easier. Basically, force the person to adapt to the workouts, rather than adapt the workouts to adapt to the person's capabilities.

    Having said that, the best workout is one that you can actually DO and will keep doing. So most people will tell you to modify the moves and take more breaks if you have to. If you are slowing the pace to the point that you are starting to miss out on too much of the content, back up the dvd or even repeat the workout until you can do it without stopping.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I don't want to worry you, but Day 1 is just the Fit Test. Just record your results and carry on with the schedule as normal. It gets worse :devil:
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    I just finished Insanity 3 weeks ago. I can tell you that first week is the worst and after you beat that you're good to go. Until month two week 1 which is another battle. Stick with it and modify, I still couldn't do some of the push up moves even by the time I finished. It's amazing how much your fitness level improves though, you'll look back and remember how hard it was the first week and how much better you are by the 2nd and 3rd.