HATE sharing food (even with family)



  • x_stephisaur_x
    x_stephisaur_x Posts: 149 Member
    My Husband and I eat the same food, so he'd get serious side eye for trying to eat from my plate when he has exactly the same lol
    That said, we will pinch chips off each other if one of us doesn't have any, but we both wait to be offered lol
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    When Ive made my meals and every macro is accounted for, and weighed/measured precisely, you try steal my food, I'll stab you with a fork (not from being hangry)

    I'll gladly share when I'm at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal.... That's how we get to try more food!

    One of my sisters has a scar on her hand from when we were kids and she tried to take the last peice of cheesecake, my other sister stabbed her with a fork.
  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    The reason why I am a whopper now is because I hate sharing food!
    I love my snacks, I don't like to share if we are at the house. I give stuff away if I don't want it, though!
    Not too sure if this is stemming from the fact that my twin sister and I literally share everything, or I am just that gluttonous.
    Each time I lose some pounds, I am more willing to share. :smile:
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    Interesting. I couldn't imagine not sharing food. Always learning and seeing other perspectives.

    I think most of the feels on here about sharing are when we've measured and logged and a wrench gets thrown in the gears of that. If we're out at a restaurant, he can steal fries or ask for whatever but there's something so sad about portioning out what's on for dinner and being all "yes I can eat all this!" and then having it reduced. I also love to cook and if he asks before I'm literally sitting down with my own food, will make him whatever. I'll cook for us both, I do often, but the last minute predation on my weighed and measured? Nah man.
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    If I'd weighed and measured and someone wanted a bite (I'm assuming family or friends, not strangers here) then I just take it as a few more calories off my intake...bigger deficit. It wouldn't even occur to me to not give a bite.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    LadyLilion wrote: »
    If I'd weighed and measured and someone wanted a bite (I'm assuming family or friends, not strangers here) then I just take it as a few more calories off my intake...bigger deficit. It wouldn't even occur to me to not give a bite.

    This! Unless it's ice cream. That's a deal breaker for sharing :D
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I get defensive about food because my fiance always finishes food before I can even get a bite!

    I'll be lucky if I get 2 spoonfuls of PB from the jar before he demolishes it. Same with yogurt - I've taken to buying double quantities and writing my name on one of them so he won't eat it all before I get the chance to.

    And if I'm really hungry and sitting down to a delicious plate of food - especially at a restaurant - you are liable to get stabbed with a fork if you reach for one of my fries!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't think anyone has ever asked to have food that is on my plate...
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I must be weird. I'm always offering bites of my logged and measured food to my husband or kids. I figure it's just a bonus deficit.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Anyone else get super uncomfortable/anxious/defensive/mean when others ask if they can have some of your food? IDK maybe it's just me being weird.

    The only people who can get away with it are my nieces and nephews. They know better than to ask for my ice cream.