How to find a healthy balance with tracking and not being obsessed

So long story short I lost a lot of weight simply calorie counting and then I became really obsessed. My restriction and binge cycle has lasted for a long time and I gained about 10 pounds so I'm around 5'5 145-150 lbs and I need to lose weight, however I don't want to restrict and binge over and over. I'm in college but home for the summer and home is where it all started. It's hard when my family
Cooks and I feel like I'm going insane. I ate one piece of pizza today at lunch and felt guilty all day. How can I track in a healthy way again?


  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    edited July 2017
    If you dont want to track constantly then you need to learn the calories in the things you eat so that you can have at least a general idea of what you are eating. Keep in mind that since you arent being specific, you might run into issues of bad estimates.

    For example, an average pizza slice with pepperoni and a few non meat toppings is going to be roughly 250-300 calories give or take. One slice isnt even enough for a meal unless that is a massive slice. Certainly nothing to feel guilty over.
  • xoxoniesha
    xoxoniesha Posts: 22 Member
    When I began struggling with restriction and binging cycles, my best friend showed me this video: It was definitely a learning process and took time to get out of that habit, but watching this Youtuber's videos really helped me. (In this video, the Youtuber has a HUGE slice of pizza for lunch and is totally okay! It might help to see something like this.)

    It also helped to watch the videos of Youtubers who were recovering from eating disorders. This video helps me to step back a little and start thinking about my health journey from a place of love for myself: This might also help you cope with the little bit of weight that you gained in the process and get back on track towards your goals in a healthy way. This video helped me to see how many calories I should be eating to lose weight in a safe way. Part of the issue that started my restricting/binging is that I hugely underestimated how much I should be eating.

    Sorry to send all these videos, but I hope that they help. Don't feel guilty over eating! You need food! Try to approach all of this with love for yourself and a desire to be healthy and strong. Good luck to you!

  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    I don't track like crazy anymore because I think after the first few months you kind of learn what everything is approximately. Try keeping a running tally in your head or just think back, did I eat egg whites, spinach and a slice of wheat toast for breakfast or syrup covered pancakes with bacon and eggs. Don't deprive yourself of anything, learn portion control. You want the cupcake, eat the clean and proper portions the rest of the day...should help with the binge. I allow myself a little less loss in the summer because my kids are home so I shift towards 1 lb a week loss instead of 2. The other thing I do is workout pretty hard at the gym. If I know I didn't eat great that day you can bet I'm working my tail off.

    Mindful eating, exercise are what works for me and keeps me out of eating horribly. I can't say this works for everyone but it works for me.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Use MFP correctly. Your calorie goal is a number to hit, not to go under. When you work to feed yourself properly and mindfully, allowing yourself to enjoy your food, you're working on your mindset and it will over time remove feelings of guilt for eating.
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    For me it's the tracking that stops me feeling guilty and obsessive - before using MFP if I was trying to lose weight I would do it by going on a strict "healthy food, crazy amounts of cardio, all or nothing" diet - that seriously triggered my ED and I would spiral into despair if I was anything less than perfect.

    Now, I don't worry if I've eaten too much or too little as I can see it in black and white (and green and red) in the app. I actually make a game of squeezing every single calorie in to my weekly goal - makes for some interesting food choices on a Sunday night, but then I'm odd like that ;)
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    I have definitely struggled with this as well, thank you for sharing your story. If counting calories is causing you anxiety and you aren't enjoying eating or unable to develop a healthy relationship to food, try figuring out why that is. I like the resources nieshasmith posted (thanks girl!) on intuitive eating; it's something I work on and I don't have easy answers for you, just that weight is but a number and food is not just numbers: fuel and nutrients. It takes time to find balance.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,224 Member
    When I eat at a deficit, it is very small. Like 200cal per day. This is not much of a restriction so I never binge.

    I also eat pizza every now and then but it is fine to eat pizza, why do you feel guilty about it? I eat whole pizzas, not just slices. I usually have Margaritta with extra cheese and herbs for dinner. It is around 900cal so I can afford it. Nothing wrong about it.

    I have lost 30lbs at 2lbs per month and have 10 more to go (137lbs now).
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    emmieems wrote: »
    So long story short I lost a lot of weight simply calorie counting and then I became really obsessed. My restriction and binge cycle has lasted for a long time and I gained about 10 pounds so I'm around 5'5 145-150 lbs and I need to lose weight, however I don't want to restrict and binge over and over. I'm in college but home for the summer and home is where it all started. It's hard when my family
    Cooks and I feel like I'm going insane. I ate one piece of pizza today at lunch and felt guilty all day. How can I track in a healthy way again?

    I just eat whatever I want within my calorie limit.

    A few meals it's pizza, lots of meals it's pasta, or seafood, veg, and rice or potatoes.

    I log everything just like I keep a mental tally of my bank balance. I like to know my calorie bank balance.

    I think your issue is not the calorie counting, but rather the foods you get your calories from. Trust yourself to eat a well-rounded selection of foods and treats. Deprivation diets don't work, and lead to bingeing, and crash-and-burns.