3 wks post partum - breastfeeding - questions!!



  • scorl
    scorl Posts: 51 Member
    foxy - thanks for the info on your experience! UMMM... we had latch issues. His frenulum (tight thing under his tongue) was super tight so he couldnt open his mouth wide or use his tongue well to nurse. SO - saw an ENT and he needed it clipped and we got that done at one week. It was a rough first wk with that issue... had lactation help after his procedure and then NO PAIN. I KNEW something was wrong and glad I got it looked at immediately. It was tough for about a wk and a half and then that was it!! It's painless now. yay!

    I just cant find a chance to log my food with the two boys at home... just constantly busy and im just trying to grab healthy food choices. Craving sweets is hard to avoid.. so I just dont buy cookies or treats.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    My advice would be to contact a lactation consultant through your pediatrician or even a nutritionist.

    ^^THIS^^ We are all different as our babies are all different also. The best way to figure it is to ask your lactation specialist or your doctor if one is not available.

    Congrats on your wee one!! I am 8 weeks in to my 3rd pregnancy so I'm excited to get to your point!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Hi! I breastfed my daughter for 18 months. Congrats on your loss so far!

    It's recommended that breastfeeding women eat no less than 1800 calories per day. OR your daily calories (based on TDEE/BMR) plus an additional 500 calories for exclusively breastfeeding or 300 for non-exclusive.

    For these additional calories, try to fill with good fats (nuts, avocado, etc) and protein and that'll help keep your milk production at peak performance. Also drink a lot of water.

    Hope this helps! =)

    and drink lots of water :drinker:
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Ok - still dunno what I'm doing. Do I custom set my calories to like 2000 or 1800? and then log bfing as exercise or food? So I'm really only eating 1500 or 1300 calories? I'm lost! help!

    I also 'chase' around my 2 yr old all day... so not sure how to decide how 'active' I am along with nursing a 3 wker. :)

    If you're not sure, why not set your goals for maintenance and not log your BF calories burnt? I am 4wks PP today- i gained 18lbs as of the morning of my induction, and so far have lost 32.5lbs from that high water mark. I'm currently set at 2k calories a day (which is actually a 1/2lb/wk loss) and I do not log my breast feeding as 'exercise' for calories burnt. I do log my daily walks with my kids as well as the light strength training I'm doing until I get the OK to go back to the gym.

    I know some say breast feeding burns an additional 500 calories, but I really think it varies from one woman to the next, as well as how often you're BFing and how much you're producing. With my firstborn, i lost 30 of the nearly 60lbs I gained within the first two weeks, and then, despite breastfeeding and eating 500 calories over my maintenance, what I *thought* was the correct number of calories, I did not lose anything more. In fact, I started gaining a little.

    You may have to play around with the numbers a little, but there's no reason you can't slowly lose weight AND take in enough calories to continue to make plenty of breast milk for your baby.

    Congrats, btw!!!
  • lynnerack
    lynnerack Posts: 158 Member
    This time you really are eating for two! Congratulations on the birth of your baby and your decision and success in breastfeeding.
  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    There are like no guys on here lol UNTIL NOW lol... My wife, breast fed for only a few weeks this is our first child and she was having alot of trouble with the whole process.. she lost all her weight in a matter of months... but she never really spoke about being hungry alot... Idk but i gained 30lbs from her pregnacy and i have only lost about 18lbs and its been a year... so i wish it was easy for us men sometimes... but hey i respect all mothers and the hard work they put into it.. no joke. its hard.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    HOW AWESOME for you and your baby and your WHOLE family!

    I would consult with La Leche League for all things breastfeeding. I think you can google them to find a way to submit questions online. a GOOD leader will say "I think it might be X but let me check and get back to you." (Although depending on experience, they really might know upfront. Seems to me, it was about 500 extra cals per day...but my "baby" is 13 YEARS)

    Keep it up!!!

    Edited to add "Years"...to clarify my "baby" isn't "months" old...it's been a long while. Don't blink...you will be saying the same! ;-)
  • summersmama2
    summersmama2 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm glad you posted this, I'm in the same situation! My LO is 5 weeks old now and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to start back on my weight loss journey. I am EBFing and STARVING! I'm TRYING to eat three small meals a day with protein packed snacks in between lunch and dinner and then another snack sometime after dinner. Also trying to drink enough water, as I know not drinking enough water can make you feel hungry.

    I have my calorie goal set at 1700, but after reading all these posts, I might up it to 1800. My biggest concern is over doing it and my supply dropping.

    Good luck mama, and feel free to add me for support and motivation.
  • scorl
    scorl Posts: 51 Member
    Hey thanks for all the responses! I was not checking mfp for a few days... I got frustrated when I couldn't figure out what to set it to. haha Here's the deal too... I feel like I'm eating random things through the day and dunno how to log. So I think the answer is to just not eat the random PB&J crust and crackers left in my sons snack bowl etc etc. I was making salads in a jar ahead of time and that was an easy lunch and healthy too cause it was all ready and id just dump it into the bowl and there ya go!

    I might just start at 1800 and see how it goes. :) I know a lot of ppl said to 'play with the numbers' and see what works but of course not letting it affect milk supply. I'm cleared at my 6wk appt next wk and I wanna start my C25k app again. That will just make things more confusing!!!! ah