The Little Reason (or Motivator) for Losing Weight

Most of us here want to lose weight. We all have a reason - whether it be for health, family, job, etc., but I think a lot of people have that little reason (or motivator) we don't want to actually admit why we are trying to lose weight. I am ready to reveal mine.......

I am hoping if I lose weight I won't sweat as much.

If you are ready to share that little reason why (or motivating factor), please share (ex. Scared to break stuff when sitting down, Being made fun of, Being the "Big Girl/Guy") - so I don't feel like I am alone.


  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    Mine was so I could walk up the stairs without triggering an asthma attack. I can now run a 5k well not full out run but one heck of a lot than I could do before. I'm completely of my asthma meds now because of the exercise.
  • jasminsaxon
    Mine is so I can have breast reduction surgery.
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I hated that half of my pants had holes in the inner thighs or the fabric was worn very thin from my thighs rubbing together.
  • Dre8604
    Dre8604 Posts: 61 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I hated that half of my pants had holes in the inner thighs or the fabric was worn very thin from my thighs rubbing together.

    I hate this also!
  • MamaCatO
    MamaCatO Posts: 100
    Mine is so my gut doesn't hang over. So my husband doesn't have to move my fat rolls when we get intimate. (ugh.. )
  • brownsuge
    brownsuge Posts: 2
    Mine was fact i hated pictures of myself. at 5'9 and weighing 77kgs, i wasn't particularly fat, i could hide well in cloths. By the face dont lie!! i like the slim down face!!
  • vanessark
    vanessark Posts: 15 Member
    Get my sex life back.
  • ejfazzybear
    ejfazzybear Posts: 1 Member
    I didn't want to look like most 50 year old men-soft, pudgy, old. I hit my goal 2 years ago at 49. Let's call it my mid-life crisis. My wife wouldn't let me get a motor cycle.
  • whitney_simpson
    whitney_simpson Posts: 77 Member
    My boyfriend, who loves me any way I look, expressed that he was a little afraid that I might find someone else once I hit my goal. What he doesn't know is that half the reason I want to lose weight and better myself is so he will continue to find me attractive.
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    I want to be able to wear short shorts! And I want my thighs to stop rubbing together when I walk
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I went to a friends wedding last year (she is quite a large lady) she was wearing a gorgeous dress, but had some MAJOR fat over hang from her shoulder blades and under arms (not sure if her friends or family that helped her organise the wedding told her)

    I then visualised in my mind the day I get married... I only plan to marry the once (I take the vows too seriously to be able to marry someone else - unless we are departed by death)

    I would be devastated if I had the same sort of photos to help my memories for the rest of my life :(

    I know, I know... its a bit shallow of me

    Its just a confidence issue for me :)
  • Gimpdogg
    Gimpdogg Posts: 163 Member
    I mostly wanna look good naked. Also it's kinda nice getting checked out bye the hot soccer moms. Lol
  • hopingtolose60
    I have just joined this website and this was a nice thread to see.

    My reason for joining and (hopefully) losing the weight I want to is so I can feel better about my appearance and fix issues I have with my lower back.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I really do have that fear of sitting on things and breaking them. Also of going to an amusement park and being too big to fit on the rides.
  • big_bertha92
    1st day of summer (me = horror in swimsuit)
  • clamb176
    clamb176 Posts: 15 Member
    My reason is my anxiety/depression. I haven't really told anyone I know, mainly because I don't want the pity or the strange looks. I wanted a natural way to help manage my mood and a chance to do something positive for myself so I could feel a sense of accomplishment. Running, working out with a boot camp group, eating right and giving back (through charity runs) has been a huge help. Exercise is also a great way to clear my head and get that extra-needed energy boost.:smile:
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I think every reason I just read was AWESOME.

    maQmigh, I do NOT think you are shallow. I don't wear tank tops in public because of my upper arms. It is one of my trouble areas.

    drojen, I also have the fear of breaking things when sitting and not being able to fit in rides.

    I do have to admit that I felt that my reason was shallow and petty, but after seeing that I am not in the boat alone makes me feel even more confident and motivated to be a better person (physically).

    Good luck to all starting their journey, in the middle of the journey, or have finished the journey (and maintaining).

    :love: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • jennifferrrrr
    jennifferrrrr Posts: 3 Member
    My boyfriend, who loves me any way I look, expressed that he was a little afraid that I might find someone else once I hit my goal. What he doesn't know is that half the reason I want to lose weight and better myself is so he will continue to find me attractive.

    I feel exactly the same way... Mine tells me that I'm beautiful and that he loves me no matter what, but I can't understand it because I can't love the way I look. I'm not comfortable in this skin, and I find it heinous. How could he possibly find it attractive?
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Sex... I noticed I really didn't like haveing sex at my size anymore.

    And my husband loves to have sex so there you are ...My real reason
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Speaking of "shallow" reasons, here's mine.

    I am looking more and more like my mother everyday.

    And I promised my husband I would never let my health deteriorate for the sake of food like she has.