High fat diet

hiijinx Posts: 9 Member
Hey all,

Long story short, I'm 6"2 and 65kg looking to gain healthy weight, not trying to be the next Arnold or anything, just look healthy. I do 3 short sessions of dumbbells a week and so far, I have gained about 6kg on my current meal plan of 2600 calories.

What I have noticed is that my macros are pretty consistent at 35/55/15 ( Carbs, Fat, Protein).

I struggle with hitting my calories so rely quite alot on peanut butter, mixed nuts and mayonnaise with most meals. I generally keep below 30g saturates a day otherwise.

TLDR : Is this healthy to follow long term? I know it's working for me so far in gaining but don't want it to be messing me up inside.

Thanks in advance


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would like the answer to this as well, I end up where you are with macros but with slightly lower carbs and higher protein ratio. The only thing I make sure of is that my fat comes from healthy sources like avocados, nuts, fish, cheese etc. I recently had fasting labs done and they came back stellar so I don't think it will mess you up as long as you stay within calorie goal and make sure the fat is from a healthy source.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    edited July 2017
    why is your protein so low?

    you really should look at it in grams...so typically you would want .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight; .45 grams of fats, and fill in rest with carbs..

    as for the healthy question, as long as you are getting sufficient nutrition and meeting your fat and protein minimums you will be fine...
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    is it healthy having fat on the high side? sure if you dont have a health issue. I have to do low fat due to having familial hypercholesterolemia. any sat fat,cholesterol and dietary fats I eat in high quantities will raise my cholesterol levels dangerously high. for me my liver cannot process those things properly so in excess they get stored as fat/cholesterol deposits and in my blood stream which for me can cause clogged arteries. But if your blood work is fine and have no health issues I wouldnt worry about it as they say that for healthy people cholesterol and fat has no bearing on heart issues or cholesterol.
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Your macronutrient breakdown is important for body composition, you do not need much protein to be healthy but if you want to gain muscle mass you need to increase your protein. Like ndj1979 said, you need at least .8g protein/lbs. Make sure it is a good quality protein with all the amino acids. Oats, whole grains, etc. are good carbohydrate sources but not good protein sources.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Your protein is low. Apart from that fat/carbs are really down to preference.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    If it's working for you, then it's all good. I'd also say your protein is a touch low, but not concerning. You can build muscle on that 98 grams. Up around 100-120 would be peachy since you're around 140-145 lbs, but you're fine at 100.

    You aren't going to mess up your body or anything on your macro split.

    You will get more out of your workouts and better recovery with a higher carb percentage, but that's up to you. It's a good reason for carb increase though.