Oh great... a stretch mark.



  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I have them on my hips/love handles, they arent a big deal to me anymore, especially as I've lost weight im happier with the changes ive made to my body and when I look in the mirror its not the first thing I see anymore. Since you just noticed it you may think it looks worse than it does. After time you wont notice it as much, almost everyone has stretch marks.
  • stephanne13
    stephanne13 Posts: 212 Member
    I have them on my boobs, and guess what... I barely even have boobs!
    Totally normal.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I got several of them on my hips, waist and breasts when puberty hit. Obesity made them worse and increased the number and locations to include my thighs, arms, abdomen, and butt. Pregnancy while obese made it even worse.

    All that to say that I accept my genetics are terrible when it comes to elasticity and I will carry the evidence of my life on my skin. Stretch marks fade and sometimes shrink down a bit. They won't disappear but they do become less obvious over time. I've noticed a substantial reduction in the colour of them over the last 8 months.
  • Lhen1989
    Lhen1989 Posts: 299 Member
    I agree with every one. I have stretch marks, too. I used to really hate them, then I accepted the fact that there's nothing we could do. They're there to stay. lol You'll be fine just like everybody else. Smile!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I have them on my boobs, and guess what... I barely even have boobs!
    Totally normal.

    Same :'(
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    I have them mainly on my belly from pregnancy. It helps knowing there is literally nothing you can do to remove them! and that everyone else pretty much has them as well.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Hey, OP. Wear it proudly for now, and they will fade with time. I just checked my old ones, forgot i even had them. If i stretch my skin, i can see them still. But there were times when they were angry red, and many many of them (first, puberty, weight gain, later kids). I hated them then, but nothing much could be done, so i learned to live with them and ignore. They're ok, and most people have them.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    It's a rite of passage. Oooh, a stretch mark. Oooh, a gray hair (2, 3, 20). Ooooh, gravity. Life happens and your body changes with it.

    I've had stretch marks since I was a teenager and I also was not overweight then. My husband has them in the small of his back, probably from a growth spurt when he was a kid. They almost always fade over time. Definitely not something to put anyone in a bad mood!

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    When I took 12 classes a week, including 2 spin classes, I lost so much fat in my thighs that I got them. They fade. I thought it was exciting!
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    I think most people have them. They're stigmatized, so there's this giant perception that you only get them if you're fat, but the reality is that the majority of people (especially women) get them. You just don't see them in media because of airbrushing.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I've got them on my stomach, boobs, inner/outer thighs and on the back of my frickan knees, and not just a single one. I got mine through pregnancy with my first kid 25 years ago. I was 20 when she was born, and from that day onward i have never been able to wear a bikini or a top that shows even a tiny bit of cleavage.

    They are the bane of my existence, i hate them more than words can say. My only advice is to do everything you can so you don't get any more.
  • ShrinkingViolet1982
    ShrinkingViolet1982 Posts: 919 Member
    ^^ Ha, that's what I was thinking. "One??"
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    ^^ Ha, that's what I was thinking. "One??"

    I was going to say she should be grateful that she only has A stretch mark..
  • Iheartrunning36
    Iheartrunning36 Posts: 73 Member
    Your body is amazing it is a celebration mark! Most everyone has them
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Oh man. I have a lot of stretch marks, and I don't really care. I have a funny, dimply tummy, too as my fat seems to be disappearing in asymmetrical chunks. But you know what? A year ago I weighed 256lbs and was miserable. Today I'm 166 and a mere 16lbs from my goal weight. I choose an assymetrical belly ANY day.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited July 2017
    While as I said earlier, mine don't bother me, if yours do you there is quality coverage makeup like Dermablend on the market these days allegedly formulated specifically for.


    That way nobody has to go his/her whole life avoiding specific clothing if theirs really bother them. :)

    I only know about Dermablend because I have a tattoo I routinely cover when I want to wear sleeveless clothing myself these days. Works slick. At least until I can get the ancient unwanted ink lasered into oblivion, anyways.
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,216 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    If you are worried about stretch marks you are doing this for the wrong reasons.

    I disagree. What would you call the right reasons?
    The reason I started losing weight was I had 1 pair of trousers left that I could fit into and and worn holes in the thighs of half my other trousers. I hardly think losing weight because you no longer fit into nearly all of your clothes is the wrong reason to lose weight.
    Also you make it sound like it is unreasonable to be upset at finding a scar on your body. Several actually spanning over an inch on both arms. I think its a normal reaction to have a bit of shock after seeing them. Especially when its in an area that you used to be proud of.
    So I cannot agree with your blanket statement at all.

    But everyone else thanks for the reassuring comments. Glad im not alone and hopefully it wont take me too long to get used to them and use them as a reminder to keep my weight in check haha

    And what would stretch marks have to do with any of this?
  • princeofmind
    princeofmind Posts: 95 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    If you are worried about stretch marks you are doing this for the wrong reasons.

    I disagree. What would you call the right reasons?
    The reason I started losing weight was I had 1 pair of trousers left that I could fit into and and worn holes in the thighs of half my other trousers. I hardly think losing weight because you no longer fit into nearly all of your clothes is the wrong reason to lose weight.
    Also you make it sound like it is unreasonable to be upset at finding a scar on your body. Several actually spanning over an inch on both arms. I think its a normal reaction to have a bit of shock after seeing them. Especially when its in an area that you used to be proud of.
    So I cannot agree with your blanket statement at all.

    But everyone else thanks for the reassuring comments. Glad im not alone and hopefully it wont take me too long to get used to them and use them as a reminder to keep my weight in check haha

    And what would stretch marks have to do with any of this?

    It doesn't.
    It has nothing at all to do with my reasons that I started losing weight which is why I did not appreciate you questioning my reasons to lose weight just because I did not like seeing stretch marks. I have not stopped my diet because of them nor would I let them. I do not see how the two are related.
  • raeleigh26
    raeleigh26 Posts: 15 Member
    I've had three kids and my stomach is a stretch mark map lol everyone gets stretch marks.