Low carb/high good fats

Just started this diet along with counting calories. I use 2 different apps but love this one! Wondering if anyone else has done this diet before? Any food recipe suggestions? I have been eating mostly eggs and not liking the same ol same anymore! Need some motivation!


  • GilbsW00
    GilbsW00 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes!!! I put coconut oil and butter in my coffee every day. When I cook veggies I use bacon fat. Add a half an avocado to a salad every day. I've lost around 60 lbs eating this way :)
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm doing the Wild Diet which sounds very close to what you're doing. I've only been on it for about a week and a half but seems to be working for me.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I'm not much in to macro restricting diets because of the boredom factor.

    But I'll try to come up with some high fat, high protein options for you. I am guessing you are trying to stay away from the fats in red meat?

    Avocado, nuts, salmon (fatty fish), Edamame (some carbs), Lupini beans (some carbs), olives, full fat Greek yogurt, and cheeses of all kinds.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Not really sure what is a good fat or bad fat but to increase fats generally:
    • Salmon & Mackerel or other oily fish
    • Avocado
    • Nuts such as Walnuts, almonds, and cashews
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Green vegies are delicious with PB stirred through for a quick satay-ish side with meat or fish. You can add a bit of oil to make it more runny, and cook the vegies with spices.
  • sarahmariedaigle
    sarahmariedaigle Posts: 29 Member